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Real LYFE: Don’t Miss the Shift!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Don’t Miss the Shift!

Don't miss the shift! There is so much that is about to take place...and I implore everyone to get into position! God has called you to a specific work...and it's not something that you are comfortable in doing; this is where the need for God comes into play. God will not change His mind...He doesn't have to change His mind...because who knows better than you what He placed inside of you? Trust in Him and know that He is God! I am in probably the most uncomfortable place that I've been in my entire life...and yet, I hear God telling me to press thru and seek Him even the more. There is so much that I am sensing in the spirit and at this point, I'm just thankful that I haven't lost my mind. I thank Him for His Grace. He should have wiped me out by now because of all of my disobedience. He should have taken what He called and chose me to do away from me and given it to someone who was more faithful...but, with all that, He still has His hand of protection around me and has called me to the battle for such a time as this. For that I am grateful. There are some things that God placed in me a long time ago that are now coming to fruition. Some things that I wrote out and printed and then allowed myself to get discouraged about. The dust settled on top of it and then God said...go get what I gave you because now it's time. You see, sometimes God will give you something and you'll think it's for the present time, but it's not. This is why we have to seek Him for His timing. When God gives us takes Him, on the inside of us, to believe Him. It's just that big! God gives us a season to prepare for what is to come. If He were to show us the full picture, we'd get scared! Remember, God didn't give you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. So, don't get weary because what you thought was supposed to work out last year didn't come to pass. There is a time and place for everything. Now is the time...go get what God gave you...and make it happen! The shift is right...the season is ripe...the dimension is NOW...there are lives waiting on you to show up with the plan in hand! Otherwise, move over and let someone else take the blessing...but if you're ready for the next phase of the battle, then I dare you to go get what God gave you, lift it up to Him and let Him be God!

It couldn't happen any other way!

In Expectation


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