The Open Door
Revelation 3:7-8
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens; I know they works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou has a little strength, and has kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
It is a new season. This is the season of open doors! Not open doors that man has opened for you and can take credit for…but open doors that only God can open. It’s a new season…and along with this new season comes a fresh anointing. You may ask the question, why the fresh anointing? Well, when you go to another level in God, just like Cardinal Ratzinger had to get anointed for the new position, so it is in God. When he elevates us to a new level…we need a fresh anointing for the new arenas that we have been ushered into. This is a season where God is completely in control. This past week, all eyes were on the Vatican to see the new Pope. Now, from what I can remember, all of the networks cut out the regular broadcasting because a new sound had been ushered forth. Unfortunately, TBN and other Christian broadcasting, as well as BET and other special cable networks went on with business as usual…however, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and many other affiliates cut out the regular for something new. Something was being done that caused all eyes to go straight to Vatican City to see who would be the successor to St. Peter’s throne. Now I have to admit that upon hearing the name of Cardinal Ratzinger…I, at first, was disappointed…because it originally looked as if nothing was going to change…however, the Lord spoke to my spirit and told me that this is the beginning of a new order. He reminded me that He is the God that will take something precious away in order to begin something new! God is about to completely bust thru the paradigms that have been set by the church and bust through the walls that have kept us separate for so long.
This is the first installation of a pope in this generation. What does this say to us, the church? Because as millions of people were watching the pageantry over the past few weeks…one thing that remained consistent of the Catholic Church is that no Cardinal decided to break off and start their own church! Now I know some preachers won’t like this but I don’t care…there is an order in the Catholic Church that many Protestants (such as Pentecostal Churches, Baptist Churches, as well as the Apostolic Churches, etc.) need to pay attention to. The cardinals shut the entire world out…so they could seek the face of God and pray that He give them a successor…amazing…simply amazing! There is something to be learned from the ancient church…something that allows us to keep the holy just that…HOLY! God has called forth a new order…even on yesterday as I sat in church…I kept hearing God say…TODAY I HAVE USHERED YOU INTO A NEW ORDER…FORGET YESTERDAY AND WALK INTO TODAY. The world is so desperately trying to see God and we, the church, are trying to dilute the potent, word of God. I don’t want to get into that today. However, we have to pray and seek His face for His new order…I can’t stop saying it. A new order…a season of open doors…for those who have been wondering which way to turn…God is opening up doors that no man can take credit for…and He’s shutting doors that no man can even attempt to open. What should your response be in the interim? Praise the name of the Lord because of the season of favor that He has ushered you into.
The only warning that I need to mention is that this favor…this season of open doors isn’t about you. It’s about the generations that are coming up behind you that are looking to see God. If you turn this into a selfish thing…if you dare take the sacred thing that God is doing and make it secular…you will run the risk of cutting off an entire generation…the blood will be on your hands…because God isn’t playing in this hour…the entire world is looking at the Body of Christ…and as the children of Israel did in I Kings 18, we don’t want to be silent and run the risk of God sending down a consuming fire!
Who won’t come into their season of open doors because of your disobedience? You do realize that your children’s breakthrough is hinged on your breakthrough don’t you? I hope you realize that you’ve got to walk into this thing…not just for you but also for your entire bloodline! THIS IS OUR FINEST HOUR and many of you have waited for years for this season…don’t delay any longer…get up and do what God has ordained to be done, not for you, but for your children!!!
Walk into your open door! But realize that you can’t take the baggage of yesterday with you. It won’t fit, so let go of the anger, rape, molestation, promiscuity, drugs, thievery, the divorce, and forgive those who have caused you grief. Even forgive yourself for the many things you may have done to others! Let go of the past…because if you don’t, God will shut the door that was previously opened on your behalf and you will be forced to wait for the season to come back around. I don’t know about you, but I’m not waiting!
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens; I know they works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou has a little strength, and has kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
It is a new season. This is the season of open doors! Not open doors that man has opened for you and can take credit for…but open doors that only God can open. It’s a new season…and along with this new season comes a fresh anointing. You may ask the question, why the fresh anointing? Well, when you go to another level in God, just like Cardinal Ratzinger had to get anointed for the new position, so it is in God. When he elevates us to a new level…we need a fresh anointing for the new arenas that we have been ushered into. This is a season where God is completely in control. This past week, all eyes were on the Vatican to see the new Pope. Now, from what I can remember, all of the networks cut out the regular broadcasting because a new sound had been ushered forth. Unfortunately, TBN and other Christian broadcasting, as well as BET and other special cable networks went on with business as usual…however, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and many other affiliates cut out the regular for something new. Something was being done that caused all eyes to go straight to Vatican City to see who would be the successor to St. Peter’s throne. Now I have to admit that upon hearing the name of Cardinal Ratzinger…I, at first, was disappointed…because it originally looked as if nothing was going to change…however, the Lord spoke to my spirit and told me that this is the beginning of a new order. He reminded me that He is the God that will take something precious away in order to begin something new! God is about to completely bust thru the paradigms that have been set by the church and bust through the walls that have kept us separate for so long.
This is the first installation of a pope in this generation. What does this say to us, the church? Because as millions of people were watching the pageantry over the past few weeks…one thing that remained consistent of the Catholic Church is that no Cardinal decided to break off and start their own church! Now I know some preachers won’t like this but I don’t care…there is an order in the Catholic Church that many Protestants (such as Pentecostal Churches, Baptist Churches, as well as the Apostolic Churches, etc.) need to pay attention to. The cardinals shut the entire world out…so they could seek the face of God and pray that He give them a successor…amazing…simply amazing! There is something to be learned from the ancient church…something that allows us to keep the holy just that…HOLY! God has called forth a new order…even on yesterday as I sat in church…I kept hearing God say…TODAY I HAVE USHERED YOU INTO A NEW ORDER…FORGET YESTERDAY AND WALK INTO TODAY. The world is so desperately trying to see God and we, the church, are trying to dilute the potent, word of God. I don’t want to get into that today. However, we have to pray and seek His face for His new order…I can’t stop saying it. A new order…a season of open doors…for those who have been wondering which way to turn…God is opening up doors that no man can take credit for…and He’s shutting doors that no man can even attempt to open. What should your response be in the interim? Praise the name of the Lord because of the season of favor that He has ushered you into.
The only warning that I need to mention is that this favor…this season of open doors isn’t about you. It’s about the generations that are coming up behind you that are looking to see God. If you turn this into a selfish thing…if you dare take the sacred thing that God is doing and make it secular…you will run the risk of cutting off an entire generation…the blood will be on your hands…because God isn’t playing in this hour…the entire world is looking at the Body of Christ…and as the children of Israel did in I Kings 18, we don’t want to be silent and run the risk of God sending down a consuming fire!
Who won’t come into their season of open doors because of your disobedience? You do realize that your children’s breakthrough is hinged on your breakthrough don’t you? I hope you realize that you’ve got to walk into this thing…not just for you but also for your entire bloodline! THIS IS OUR FINEST HOUR and many of you have waited for years for this season…don’t delay any longer…get up and do what God has ordained to be done, not for you, but for your children!!!
Walk into your open door! But realize that you can’t take the baggage of yesterday with you. It won’t fit, so let go of the anger, rape, molestation, promiscuity, drugs, thievery, the divorce, and forgive those who have caused you grief. Even forgive yourself for the many things you may have done to others! Let go of the past…because if you don’t, God will shut the door that was previously opened on your behalf and you will be forced to wait for the season to come back around. I don’t know about you, but I’m not waiting!
This is the season, not a season to lay still and let time pass. This is merly Gods time for us to not just see these open doors you speak of, but to take a step of faith and walk through these open doors. The past few years has been full of trying times and we must not forget our past but embrace what the loard has allowed us to experince, each day was a blessing, each struggle was a blessing, take your blessings and count them as this is what has prepared us for these doors you speak of that are now open.
God has filled the atmospher with open doors and anyone is open to grab them jew, christen, as well as athiest. Lets be bold in our attack reach up and snatch your blessing out of the air and walk through the door into your new season with your head held high in honor of our father and savior Jesus Christ. Our Lord is not meek but bold in his walk, lets step out and be bold, bold as the late Pope John Paul not affraid of what the Lord has shown you. Seek him, seek his face and walk with him and you shall have life and have it more abudently.
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