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Real LYFE: Back By Popular Demand

Monday, July 31, 2006

Back By Popular Demand

I've received a number of emails and voice mails as to when I was returning from vacation and for all of you who were wondering...I'M BACK! Again, the past few days away were very much needed. These days were used to recollect, remember, recompense, and reflect on those who have gone before me. It's always good to pay respects to whom respect is due and that is exactly what I was away doing last week.

For those of you who may not understand, my fraternity, the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Turned 100 years old and our national convention was held in our nation's capitol, Washington, D.C. It was a very memorable event, one that brought the likes of big names, such as Cornell West, Ambassador Andrew Young, Kevin Powell, Louis Gossett Jr., retired Senator Edward Brooke, and U.S. Representatives, Bobby Scott and Danny Davis.

As over 3,000 Alphas converged from all directions we were faced with serious questions that we had to answer as we prepare to forge forward into the 21st Century. Everything that was good in 1906 isn't necessarily going to be good for 2006. I say that because the last sentence can be used for everybody in their individual lives. Some of the things that we've done in the past may need to be done away with as we attempt to prepare ourselves to lead today in order to get to a greater tomorrow.

I'm ready for the challenges that lie ahead, whatever they may be. What I do know, above anything else, I CAN'T CONTINUE TO STAY WHERE I AM. I have to take my "game" to the next dimension because I know that I didn't go through a lot of the hell that I've been through just to simply stay on the sidelines. What about you? Are you content with the status quo or do you want more? I'm not satisfied with mediocrity and you shouldn't either.

I'm back by popular demand and I say this, not particularly because of the number of you who took the time to call and email me, but I'm saying this because I have made a decision to show up to TODAY! Back by popular demand is more about me and my personal provocation, than it is about responding to others expectations. I'm back because I know that I've been called for greatness, but wait a minute, I'm not alone because you've been called for greatness too, if you believe it! Don't allow your current situations to dictate your actions, don't hold preconceived ideas and allow your perception to cause you to miss out on the manifold wisdom that is ahead on the journey of LYFE.

Time waits for no one so I'm up for the challenge to meet tomorrow "head on," are you?

Now that's real talk!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what's up Rev Rich! I gotta share something with you all. (Unfortunately I was not able to be in attendance in D.C. so I hope you celebrated for me:-) I was meant to stay at home this weekend. I had to find out what the Secret was (Rich, you may know what I'm talking about). The Secret to life and what we want out of it. The Secret is a full-length movie that I recommend to anyone who wants to really take control over their lives. I truly understand what we think about we bring about and that coincidences are a myth. To find out the Secret, log on to and watch the trailer and/or a clip of the awesome movie. Better yet, purchase the DVD. Your lives will never be the same again!

Peace -Dre' 06
"Have faith in what you want because it's coming."

11:27 AM  

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