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Real LYFE: Walk in YOUR Authority

Monday, July 17, 2006

Walk in YOUR Authority

Walk in your authority! No matter what you are facing this week, start out knowing that you have the power and dominion to accomplish the task that is before you!

Oftentimes in life we allow ourselves to get enthralled with needless cares that don't matter. We allow others to confine us to THEIR preconceived notions and ideas. This needs to stop now! TODAY make sure that you have a grip on your personal matters and have outlined, for your eyes ONLY, where you are headed and what it is going to take to make it to your final destination.

The journey is just as important as the destination but if you don't walk in everything that has been given, then you are inviting unnecessary drama! Some of us like drama, I will admit. But for those who desire something different than the ordinary, I challenge you. NO, I dare you to walk in the authority that God has already given you.

You don't have to be last any longer if you picture yourself already having what they told you you can't have. You don't have to be the first runner up because God said that it is yours! Take dominion because the power and authority have already been given to you!

It's yours for the taking so go for it! Remember, for those of you who listen to Hip Hop, TI declared that he was the King of the South when there were others who had more rights to the title but no one ever spoke up! I rest my case...

Now that's real talk...


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