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Real LYFE: Transition

Monday, July 10, 2006


Transition is something that is taking place all around us. It is a very exciting time to be alive so hold fast to your profession of faith. Understand that God has pre-ordained you for greatness so that even though things look tight and things look as if they are going against you, everything works together for good to them that love the Lord. Transition can be tough because it opens you up to something new. Transition, while exciting in one instance, can bring much grief because of the "fear of the unknown" that awaits you!

In moving in transition remember that transition is good! Sometimes it doesn't look or feel good because many tend to be afraid of what is unknown. Many people would rather stay where they are comfortable rather than open themselves up to new possibilities. Imagine what former President Bill Clinton or President George W. Bush had to deal with when they had to transition from being Governor's to the highest office in the Unites States of America. Or for some, imagine being Pope Benedict XVI, who in just a matter of weeks, went from being someone rather unknown to the entire world to now one of the most popular heads-of-state. Like I said, transition can be overwhelming if you don't catch a glimpse of the bigger picture.

Once you have transitioned to a new way of living, there is no turning back! It's just like in the movie, Matrix, taking the red pill or the blue pill. You can't go back, so count the costs and understand that you were created for greatness. Understand and get it settled that you were sent here to this earth for more than just to live, eat, and be merry! You were sent to this earth as an answer to a problem so TRANSITION from a dead state to a "living perpendicular" so that you can be in right alignment to walk into the new thing God has prepared for you to walk in!

Again, let me say, there is no turning back, if you want it, you have got to go for it! Reach up for your destiny and don't look back! Transition to a state of unlimited possibilities! The haters will be there waiting to hate but do as I do and use them as your step stool and keep them under your feet! Now go! The world is waiting for you.

Now that's real talk!


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