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Real LYFE: Your NAME, Is it good or bad?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Your NAME, Is it good or bad?

IN this new season, realize that your name is all you have so treasure it and take care of it! Protect your name at all costs! I received a credit report of regarding my name and found out that there were some items listed under my name that shouldn't have been there. This was causing my name to lose value and credibility. My name was unable to work to its full potential, on my behalf, because something was attached to it that was causing it to decrease in value! It was amazing that my name was speaking and I wasn't saying a word!

How many people talk a good game however when it comes time to show up to the level of the rhetoric that they have uttered from their lips, they are unable to do so? A name is very important and once its messed up, it can be very hard to repair. Whether you realize it or not, your name speaks for you whether you are present at the table or not so the question is, what does your name look like? Your name tells a lot about your character and integrity. It speaks of your ability to come through with what you said you would do. How much can you attain from your name? Don't tell me show me!

Now that's real talk!


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