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Real LYFE: The Deep Calls to the Deep

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Deep Calls to the Deep

There is something happening in the realm of the supernatural that I can’t quite put into words but it’s something great! Everyone can’t understand what is happening...but there is a remnant that is being strategically placed for the unveiling of something beyond anything we can ask or think!! What I’m speaking of is the glory that the Lord is getting ready to release in the earthly realm. The glory of the Lord is being released for the saints to rule and reign with power, might, and authority. He couldn’t release it before now because of the immaturity of the body of Christ. His body was too concerned with wanting things...instead of wanting Him. God has wanted us in this place for quite sometime now to bestow the blessings and authority into the earthly realm but the leadership of the present-day church got sidetracked because they fell prey to the enemy’s vices. They got caught up with being elevated to positions...they got caught up with building bigger buildings, buying bigger homes, and driving a new car every six months to look the scripture says, ”having a form of godliness” but no power to loose the power to break the people free from oppression, no authority to speak to the demonic principalities that held their sheep captive. But there is a remnant that God has prepared. He’s prepared this remnant in the wilderness. This wilderness hasn’t been through hell...they lived in hell! Their life has been full of misery and discomfort...but through it all, they held on to God’s word. They held on for dear life to what the bible said about God and in the process experienced God, up-close and personal. They have felt the consuming fire God, the God of Judgment, the God who isn’t playing in this hour! This deems them qualified and favored to walk in the glory that is getting ready to be dispatched from the heavenlies. The reason why many don’t understand what’s going on is simple. The scripture says...the deep calls to the deep. This has nothing to do with whether or not you shout in church, have the loudest voice during praise time, make all the choir rehearsals, make the preacher’s meetings, have tailor made suits, or even where St. John suits. This has everything to do with your heart. David said that his heart panted after God and for those who pant AFTER Him no matter the circumstances may be, for those who have remained faithful even when being faithful has not been popular, to those who pressed even in the midst of a bad report from the doctor, you kept coming to church, you still made prayer meeting, as a matter of fact, you didn’t even wear sackcloth and ashes, but you opened yourself up to God to have His way and, in the process, discovered another aspect of who God is.

God has now favored you and placed a seek in you so deep that you are the deep that God is calling forth in this hour...YOUR FINEST HOUR! As I’ve said didn’t go through all the hell you went through for nothing! You didn’t face the bankruptcy court for didn’t go through chemotherapy for didn’t go through divorce court for didn’t get molested for didn’t get shot for didn’t get raped for weren’t abandoned as a child for weren’t suicidal for nothing...THERE HAS BEEN A CONTRACT OUT ON YOU FOR QUITE SOMETIME NOW...and in the midst of all that God called you! He placed a seek in you that you haven’t been able to shake off and it has awakened you in the midnight hour, it has kept you on your knees, it has kept you on your face before the almighty God. You haven’t been able to fully understand what is taking place in your life, but one thing you do know and have resolved in your spirit and that is God is your all in all. He’s means more than any relationship I have today, he’s means more to me than any job. He means more to me than any type of high or sexual orgasm that I can think of. He means more to me than my own life. He is EVERYTHING, HE IS THE HOPE OF THIS WORLD...WITHOUT HIM WE ARE NOTHING...IT’S ONLY IN HIM THAT WE LIVE, MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING. Who could do what He’s done for us? Who? Answer that question. The deep calls to the deep! When I hear that I think of the ocean and I think of how so much is unknown about the deepest parts of the ocean...but the surreal thing about it is, very few people have even been down to the deepest depths of the sea. Only few have attempted to delve that deep to discover what was down there. There is a place that God is calling you and I to journey too and it’s to go down to the deeper things of Him because that’s where we will discover the hidden mysteries of Him. But the catch is, to discover the deeper things of Him, you have to face your insecurities, your indiscretions, you have to come face to face with the part of you that you don’t like. Such as your lying, manipulative, controlling spirit, your need to feel important, your longings to be pleased sexually outside of the bonds of marriage, even your longings for the same sex. These are many of the areas that we refuse to put on the table because of the fear of what we may discover.

So, my question to you is, are you ready to face what you’ve been afraid to face in your life? Are you prepared to go into the recesses of your heart and face the real you? The YOU that you are when you are all by yourself? I guarantee you that God is waiting in the area that you’ve been afraid to talk about, afraid to visit. Will you meet Him at your point of loneliness and disappointment? IT’S UP TO YOU!


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