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Real LYFE: The Breaking of Day

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Breaking of Day

The saying goes, "the darkest hour is just before the day." And just like the saying so are the facts of life. Some of the most trying times in life are just before the "breaking" of day, meaning, it gets real tight right before things begin to turn around and you start to see results from what you've been laboring with. This is where a lot of us are today on this journey called LYFE.

Please understand that trials are destined to come for as long as we have breath in our body, so we have to get over it. It's a done deal, as far as that is concerned. It's a guarantee that we'll endure trials and temptations so we can't let issues get in the way of the bigger picture of life. You have to remember that you have a destiny and that you were promised success and a future. In the word of God you have an anchor so stay steadfast and immovable when all the storms of life seem to weigh you down.

Rest in knowing that the trial is making you, NOT breaking you! Rest also in knowing that after it's all said and done, you'll look back and see that you are stronger than you were before you encountered whatever obstacle you just overcame. So be encouraged and know that the time is approaching soon and very soon where you will see the breaking of day!

Now that's real talk!


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