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Real LYFE: I Don't Know What To Say, I think?

Monday, August 07, 2006

I Don't Know What To Say, I think?

On a day like today, when everything seems to be going okay, I have nothing to say! I guess it's the calm before the storm that has me hesitating. I'm trying to think real hard but nothing comes to mind. I've been working constantly, around the clock, on my first book that is going to be published this fall and it's taking everything I have. I have never been so confident about something like this before, but on this project, I'm really pulling out all the stops!

Now, after thinking about it for a moment, if I could say anything I'll say this: Look out for my new book coming out soon, real real soon! It's been a long time coming and for all of you who have been reading my blog, thank you! Over the past few years, I've written over four or five books without even realizing that I wrote them but now I've come to the place where it's time to take things to the next level.

Remember, I'm not going to continue to talk the talk without walking the walk, so that's where I am now. That's why the blogs have been shorter and I've been allowing others to showcase their talent. As I constantly pour out from my spirit and bring words to life, I have to be careful and NOT overkill and it's difficult because I don't know how to half do anything. When I commit to something I am "ALL IN." I'm not like other people, if I say I'm going to do something, that's my word!

And for those of you who remember, I wrote about it a few weeks ago when I was talking about a NAME. My name is all I have and I cannot allow anyone to mess that up! So, I'm closing now so after all that talk that I didn't have anything to say, I guess I really did but I didn't know it until I just started giving you my heart!

Take care and keep me in prayer, I want this to be the best so if I have to burn the midnight oil, you, my readers, are well worth it!

Now that's real talk!


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