Let's Move On
There comes a time when you have to put aside petty differences and personal innuendos and move forward to get work done. I attended a board meeting the other evening and what I witnessed from adults made me question what I was at. I literally, after listening to all of the bickering that went back and forth, thought that I was listening to a bunch children who were upset that they couldn't get their way.
Let me help you out since many of you may not have a clue as to what I'm talking about. I'm really thinking hard about running for a seat on the Toledo Public Schools Board of Education. Since I'm in serious thought about this issue, I decided that I'd attend a meeting just to see for myself what actually takes place. My eyes were opened during the process of the meeting because I saw things that really surprised me coming from that of our elected officials. There is so much divisiveness on the board, to be honest, nothing can truly get accomplished. Things are so partisan on a non-partisan board that I found it amazing that no one took a swing at each other like on the tube the other night between the Denver Nuggets and the New York Knicks!
Things have to change in order for the community to begin healing but for this to begin, our board members have got to put personal gripes aside and work together. For the good of the whole, it's imperative that they come together and begin communicating because there are serious issues plaguing our city and the decisions that the school board makes will have a domino affect on that of our city!
Whatever your profession and wherever you live please remember that somebody somewhere is looking to you for leadership! You may not ever know who they are, but trust me, they are watching everything you say and do, so for the love of God, lets move forward and do what's right for the betterment of our youth and community!
Let's move on! How 'bout it?
Glad to hear you attended a meeting. This is something that happens on a frequent basis. Interested in talking, contact me chrismyers at plumbrook dot com.
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