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Real LYFE: Reflect about TOMORROW

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Reflect about TOMORROW

Again, it's great to be back! For the past month I've been in "reflection" mode pondering a lot of things that I have had to endure for 2006. This has been a long and arduous year. Many hills and valleys and yet, when I thought the "drama" was over, I endured some mountains and cliffs! But can I tell you something? I'm stronger today than I was on January 1, 2006! I'm more committed to the Lord today than ever before! I'm prepared better today to fight for our children than I could have ever been had I tried to escape the principle of suffering!

For those of you who don't understand or may even think that I'm smoking the "pipe," let me explain. To the natural eye, it seems or appears crazy to look at disasters or cataclysmic events as situations that bring out the best! However, I see these "things" as the ultimate way to find out just how strong you are. For instance, the caterpillar would never be able to become the butterfly if someone were to assist them in their "cocoon" season. The cocoon is there to protect, nurture, and to shield. God gives the caterpillar the innate ability to tear through the cocoon. Without this final push or test, the caterpillar would die because it was divinely orchestrated by the Master for these things to take place in order for the transition to occur in the process to becoming the BUTTERFLY!

So, what am I saying? The events that took place this year, while they may have been difficult, worked out to manifest in me the strength and perseverance needed for my final destination. As it is for me, so it is the same for many of you. The things that you feared or tried to avoid in your life took place anyway and in hindsight you are the "better" for it. Am I right? In the scripture, I believe it was David that was quoted to say, "it was good that I was afflicted..." I believe the reason he could utter such words was due to the fact of the character and determination that was built in the process of his struggles! Through the pain and persecution of life should come a determination to NEVER stop fighting until the fight is done!

Today, receive in your heart and be thankful that God loved you enough to test you and to show you just exactly what was inside of you! If you are anything like me, you can handle anything because no matter how difficult things get you continue to remember that a generation is coming behind you who is praying that you remember that it's not all about today but about what you leave for their tomorrow.
Now this is real talk!


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