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Real LYFE: A Moment in Time

Monday, October 30, 2006

A Moment in Time

As the saying goes, "all good things must come to an end." Well, that is how I'm feeling today. I just returned from my favorite city, the city that played a vital and crucial role in my development into the person that I am today, ATLANTA. This past weekend I had a rather cataclysmic experience, to say the least, in that I was able to reflect, once more, on how far I had come on this journey called LYFE. So many people take LYFE for granted and never live to their fullest expectations, but rather, they settle for the status quo. How unfortunate is that when I believe that everyone of us was born to be great!

The city of Atlanta has played a heavy role in my process to manhood in that during my time there I was afforded the opportunity to glean from the likes of great men who will go down in history as pillars and patriots. These were patriots who championed a cause greater than our day, they championed a cause for the underdog in making sure that the less fortunate were brought to the table of justice and given their fair share! The men that I am referring to are Ambassador Andrew Young, Mayor Maynard Jackson, Congressman John Lewis, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Herman Cain, and my college president, Dr. Walter Massey. These men, in their own individual ways, stood tall and proud in the midst of oppression and segregation! They had a determination that they weren't going to let anybody turn them around. This is what comprises the atmosphere of the city of Atlanta, Georgia.

LYFE is based on moments, defining moments that come at certain crossroads. It's the decision that is reached upon coming into contact with the crossroad that determines the altitude that you take as you prepare to take flight! Some ascend and a great many descend because they didn't have the wherewithal to endure the affliction and hardship that played a part in the making of greatness!

Well, this past weekend, I was able to walk the sacred ground that I called home for 4 years and it was during this time that I was reminded of "the call." I was reminded that I was here, on this earth, for a greater reason than to make a name for myself. I was sent here, by God, to address an issue! I was sent here to serve as a standard and to inspire others to rise above the shackles of oppression and to challenge them to reach up to their destiny!

This weekend served, in part, to help me put things in perspective the bigger picture of LYFE! Dr. King said, "everybody can be great because everybody can serve," this is most definitely true. However, the failure in never discovering the essence of servanthood is what is tragic because you produce of lifetime of squandered opportunities. I ended the weekend by attending what many call church, but I call it a "divine encounter" with the Master.

Before I knew it, I was back in Toledo, Ohio and it was as if I hadn't traveled anywhere because of how quickly the time went by. I learned something through this ordeal, TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE. So I'll say this, we all have been sent here to do a "work" that only we can do. What God gave you to do, is not what He gave me, but we are uniquely joined together to help one another. As I stated at the beginning, LYFE is full of moments in time and as you continue to live I pray that you will be enlightened and challenged to live each day to the fullest! Yesterday was a moment in time that I will never get back, but I will forever hold fast to the MOMENT because that is the only means that I will have to determine the TIME!

Now that's real talk...


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