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Real LYFE: Reflection from the Heart

Friday, April 29, 2005

Reflection from the Heart

[I am going to let you overhear my intimate conversation with the Lord.]

God, you are completely my source. With everything I’ve been through in my life, there are many who couldn’t have survived. But I am still here. That means you have a divine destiny for me to fulfill. There is no way humanely possible that I can have low self-esteem. What is there not to like about me? Because the bottom line is YOU made me and You said in Your word that I’m “fearfully and wonderfully” made. You took time out and paid attention to the intricate details about my life. You sanctioned the complexities of my life to be! You kept back the hand of the enemy when he came to eat up my flesh. And yet, with all that You have done and STILL continue to do, I still fall by the wayside. I still have evil intentions in my mind. This amazes me that with all that I know you saved me from, I still entertain the thoughts to turn around and go back to life full of sin. I still listen to the “little” voice inside which is nothing but the enemy in-a-me. Having known that, I still find myself asking You for forgiveness because I’ve said something or done something or EVEN thought something that I know is against Your will for my life. And through it all, You’ve still stood right by my side. Although You were silent at times, I know You were right there watching over me.

I give you praise because of who You are. You are everything to me. When I was born, You gave me two, not one, but two parents, parents that were God-fearing. I don’t take that for granted and I thank you Lord. When I was out there in the world thinking that I had it “going on” with my crazy self, You stepped in and kept death, hurt and harm from overtaking me. When the doctor’s gave me a bad report, it was You that stepped in and told death to step back. When I was listening to the enemy tell me that he was going to kill me...You stepped in and told him that He didn’t have any authority over me because I belonged to You. When I was suicidal and wanted to end my life because I blamed myself for being molested...You stepped in and said NOT SO! You said that I had a purpose and that I was ordained before the foundation of the world was laid. You told me that I was a man destined for greatness with anointing dripping from my very being. You stepped in and snatched my mind and gave me the mind of Christ. In so doing, you showed me that there was no reason for the spirit of intimidation and You made me comfortable with me. You ushered me into a realm of knowing You in a way that very few people dare to go to. Everything that has taken place has taken place for the advancement of the Kingdom. You healed me, You delivered me, You restored me, You saved me, You provided for me, You were my strength, You took me out of the pit of suicide and anger. You did all of this…for me!

Your name is a strong’s because you are my love, my joy, my PEACE when all hell is breaking’s YOU that is the mind regulator, the heart fixer. You are my Rock, my Sword, and you are my Shield when the fiery darts have been shot at me, it’s been YOU who has protected me and blocked me from being hit. It’s You that kept me from being consumed by the fire when you allowed me to be set ablaze! Others looked in amazement because I still was in my right mind all the while I was in front of others in what looked like a lose-lose situation. My hope has been and forever will be in You, because it’s in You that I live, I move, and I have my being! You were there from the beginning and You will be there until the end and then even thereafter. When it’s all said and done...when I draw my last breath on this time, the scripture says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord…so…there is no end to your favor, your blessings, your grace and your wonderful mercies. The great thing about it all is that I will never be separated from You or Your love for me. Because when I’m finished with my assignment, I’m going to be with You so that I can rule and reign in eternity and in the new earth that You are going to establish. It’s because of who You are that I am who I am!!!!!!!


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