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Real LYFE: Transition is Tough

Monday, June 13, 2005

Transition is Tough

Transition is tough and painful. Transition, while it has its advantages, has many disparaging repercussions as well. One of the things that I am noticing about transition is that I’ve grown so accustomed to the status quo; I’m hesitant to move into tomorrow because I don’t know what tomorrow promises. I’m content with today because nothing has changed from yesterday…so I’m what many would call, comfortable. And yet, now God has called me yet to a higher place in HIM. I dare not pause and hesitate after I’ve said yes, but I think that it’s good that I’m really assessing what MIGHT be coming my way. The point is, I DON’T KNOW what tomorrow holds and this is what is building my character because I have to go back to the day when I was at this stake in the road with God before and remember that through the last process He didn’t leave me and I have to use that as a gauge for this process as well.

Transition is tough! I think of when President Bush went through his transition stage when he was first elected President. I recall all of the excitement but yet the weariness when he soon discovered what he was inheriting and the weightiness that awaited him once he was sworn in. Life as he knew it was over forever. He was in the public eye until the day he died…because looking at the other former presidents, the camera doesn’t stop rolling once the next person takes the oath of office. I remember the anticipation of all the goals and aspirations that he spoke of but yet, how different his term in office went because the enemy had a plan. I learned a lot from watching him and I use that today as I’m in transition. I’ve had to go thru and delete names and numbers…and email addresses. Life as I’ve known it is over because I have to prepare myself for what is to come. Like a professional athlete, when he or she comes to the forefront, they didn’t just start training…but they’ve been training for years before they get to the public eye. I’ve been in training for quite sometime now and I’m in training to be a ruler here on earth and in the next life.
Transition is tough because I have to settle my yesterday and let it go! If I don’t let go of the issues of yesterday, I run the risk of jeopardizing my today and eliminating the promises that God has in store for me. There is a generation coming behind me that is waiting on me to run my race so that they can take the baton in the pass-off and run their leg of the race. Why would I go through all that I’ve gone thru only to hesitate and stumble and not only mess me up, but also ruin the journey for everyone coming behind me? I’ve got to keep one thing in mind during this entire journey and that is, IT’S NOT ABOUT ME! The decisions that I’ve made in the past, the ones I make today and the ones that will be made tomorrow ALL will have an effect on the next three to four generations. Now this is something to ponder!



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