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Real LYFE: Let the Necessary Occur

Monday, May 23, 2005

Let the Necessary Occur

Sometimes in life, we’re quick to complain about what’s not going right. We’re quick to always blame others for the things that happen to us. The Apostle Paul, in the book of Philippians, said, “the things that happened to me, came about to advance the gospel.”

It’s amazing; I don’t think we get what Paul said in the text. Paul was commissioned to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was in prison, after being obedient to God. Do you get that? Let me say it again, God gave him an assignment and through his obedience to his assignment, he found himself in prison. First, let me ask you, how many of us would even be in the mood to write a group of people to encourage them after the encouragement landed you in prison? I have to be honest, I really would have to reflect and wonder. However, in this scripture, Paul is not inundated with his present circumstance, but he’s persuaded that he’s going to be encourage regardless of him being locked up or not.

It causes me to think of my godson that is stationed in Iraq. He wrote the young people at the church I serve at and it reminded me of the words that Paul said. His name is Tavon and in the midst of all that he’s going through in Iraq. He found time to encourage his young people. How many of us could encourage somebody in the midst of the hell that we’re faced with? Or would we spend our time screaming, hollering, and complaining as to why we shouldn’t be going through what we’re going through? WE TAKE SO MUCH FOR GRANTED!!! Life is precious and we have to, as I said in an earlier blog, MAKE EACH DAY COUNT! We’re not promised tomorrow, we have to make sure we help others along this journey called life.

Hello my young warriors!!!!

Let me start off by saying that on my journey I've learned one thing for sure!!!! You ain't felt heat until you've been to IRAQ!!!!!! I'm sweating like a true HEBREW SLAVE. It's hot like fish grease and that's no joke. If I were to tell you that up to this point everything is all right, I would be lying. In the past month I have lost two people important in my life, my Uncle, and someone from my unit in an explosion. On top of that, I’m surrounded by people who completely have no clue as to what their purpose in life is. It's very difficult to witness to people on who is TRULY in control. There have been times where I have wanted to throw in the towel, but the Grace & Mercy of God is more powerful than we can ever imagine, and in this time of struggle and frustration I have come to the conclusion that now is the time where God is testing my faith. What am I going to do now that The HEAT is on??? Who will I turn to now that my family can't comfort me when I cry? At this time, I have no one to lean on but Christ and I truly have to trust his positioning AND timing on this adventure...I must say this is not easy!!!!!
I knew this going in but at the same time I didn't know what to expect. Now, when the enemy thinks he's got me and when people think that I have nothing left, I have to stand up and declare that I'm here to fight!!!! I'm not going out that easy!!!! I can't give up!!! I tell people here in Iraq everyday, my youths' future depends on this journey. I'm a leader and I believe in what God is doing and I know He did not bring me this far to leave me now!!!! This is war and in order to win this thing you've got to know that you will, as the bible says, endure hardships...trials...and many laymen’s will sweat, bleed, cry, get frustrated, and be drained in every way possible of your body's energy, but, ask yourself who do you know? (I KNOW THE LORD JESUS CHRIST) What weapon do you have to fight with? (I got the most important weapon there is, the Word of God!)
To all my foot soldiers out there...I can't be more serious than I am right now...Stay alert...Stay alive cuz the battle is on and it’s hot out here!!!
Fighting for the generations yet to be born,
Sgt. Tavon Patterson

This was hard to read in front of the church because it got so real to me. The fact that one of my kids was in a place of danger and I couldn't do one thing to help...but pray! How many situations have you tried to keep from taking place that you knew had to occur? I'm guilty...time and time again, I'm one that will rescue any and everybody from pain and suffering if I can but this is one thing I can't touch...and I felt helpless! But I came to the realization yesterday that I had to let the necessary occur so that God's glory could be revealed. It's easier said than done, but God is helping me along this journey. I’ve come to a place in my life and I proclaim today that WHATEVER HAPPENS TO ME, I KNOW THAT I’M ANOINTED FOR THE OCCASION!!!


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