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Real LYFE: Still Here

Monday, August 21, 2006

Still Here

In the beginning of a new week, if you're still having some issues with your past, let me share with you the fact that YOU'RE STILL HERE! Regardless of the many obstacles that you've endured, the fact remains that you're still breathing! If you can't find anything else to be grateful for, be grateful for LIFE! Be thankful that things aren't worse because you do know that things could be worse.

Sometimes we often get caught up on what's not happening and what we want to happen when we can stand to be thankful and give God praise for things being where they are! Can you feel me today? I understand that for many of you who will read this that things aren't normal right now and there are situations that seem to be insurmountable. In other words, things are TIGHT! But rejoice in the fact that you can still breathe! The bible says let everything that has breath praise the Lord! So, even though it's not what you want, stop and tell the Lord "thank You!"

Lastly, don't focus on what is NOW, but rather turn your attention to what's to come because I believe with all my heart that if God wanted you dead, you'd be dead! However, He didn't allow the accident, the sickness, the divorce, the bullet, the "pink slip" etc...He didn't allow any of that to take you out so He obviously has you in mind for something that is on the way; AND WHAT'S COMING IS BETTER AND GREATER THAN WHAT'S BEEN! Receive that this day and rejoice because you're still here! In spite of everything, you're still here!

Now this is Real LYFE talk!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks B Real, this is in touch with my walk today, and oh, how I needed to hear this right now, God has a way of confirming, and all that I do and have done, I should be dead, BUT, I THANK God, for another day and a chance to serve Him. Keep em coming!!!

9:07 AM  

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