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Real LYFE: The Climate

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Climate

The climate is ripe in this season for the right “exchange” to take place. By exchange I mean, to live in the body, you inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. You trade (or exchange) what is inside of you with the opportunities that lay dormant on the outside of the body. In other words, there are endless possibilities that become available when you step on to new fertile ground, in a new season with endless possibilities (an optimal climate). In so doing, you take great risks to walk into an uncomfortable situation in order to glean in the new possibilities that are ahead.

Breathing does not require you to speak, so in the spiritual realm you don't have to speak to pick up new attributes and characteristics. This can work for you or against you, and it is all dependent upon whom you choose to surround yourself with. So let me ask you are you with positive influences or negative influences? Take a moment, if you will, to reflect on who or what you've allowed to entertain your thoughts and mind for the past 30 days. For me, the past 30 days have been somewhat phenomenal because I made a conscious decision to only put myself around people who could challenge me to achieve greatness. I only wanted to be with those who had a achieved a certain level of success. Putting myself in these "circles of influence" was vital and important for me as I focused more on reaching my personal goals for my LYFE.

The bottom line is that people that we meet should be in one of two categories, assets or liabilities. It would be foolish for me to think that I could hang around JUST anybody but still yet have high aspirations to reach the stars! No, if that's a goal, then I have to put myself around those who think the same. If my only goal is to live, eat, and be merry, then I don't have to do much to find people who think like that. But for people who, like me, know they are destined for greatness, we have to be careful as to who we allow to be in our presence because being with the wrong crowd can have a negative affect on your outlook or outcome.

I tell my young people all the time, "your crowd can make or break you!" You have to be careful during this season of transition to make the right decisions to put yourself in the right company that can accelerate you to a "point of no return." Otherwise, you run the risk of delaying not just your own breakthrough but also those who are connected to you. In science class, when I was a child, I remember that I learned a law which goes like this, "Every action has an equal or opposite reaction!" In life, we tend to think that because we may be grown, we can make our own decisions and do what we want to do and that no one else is affected. But that is not true. The decisions we make affect the next three to four generations that come behind us and if we don't believe it, take a look at the decisions your grandparents and parents made and ask yourself if your plight in life has been altered in any way because of the decisions that were made in years prior.

Just something to think about!


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