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Real LYFE: Get On Your Mark...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Get On Your Mark...

There are seasons in life where you are preparing for something big! Something that is extraordinary that is getting ready to take place in your life that is mind boggling! This is what you have been preparing for for quite sometime and it's time to get yourself in the starting posture. Feel me? You know when you're watching the track and field events during the olympic games, the runners who have been preparing, spend moments in absolute silence while they are stretching their muscles. They are preparing themselves for an event that they've spent years in the gym training for. So much time and effort have gone into this, if something goes wrong, all is lost!

This is what I mean when I say, "get on your mark!" The gun is about to go off into the air to announce to some and pronounce to others that the race is on. In LYFE, we have all been assigned a lane to run for our own individual race on the road to destiny and we have no time to hesitate because this is what you and I both have been waiting for. As I've said before, the climate is right, track and field events can't be done in certain weather, it has to be in the right climate because if not, you run the risk of damaging key muscles in your legs! So, I'll say it again, get on your mark.

The stadium is filling up with people who have been waiting to see who the winner will be. Will it be you? You see, in this race on the road to destiny, only you can determine whether or not you will win. You, your attitude, your outlook, your perspective, all of this goes into play on the road to destiny because of the lives that are at stake! There are generations waiting in the stands who have yet to be born who are cheering you on just like there are those who trained all of their life but were unable to qualify for the event and are now apart of the cloud of witnesses that the bible refers to. So as the stadium fills up, see yourself reaching your goal and finishing your race! See yourself as victorious! See yourself wearing the gold medal of LYFE.

So it can be said that "you ran your race and finished your course...there is now a reward that awaits you because you didn't give up!" Generations yet to be born are saying "thank you!" Now that you SEE IT, GET ON YOUR MARK...


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