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Real LYFE: February 2010

Friday, February 05, 2010


A revolution is defined as a DRASTIC fundamental change in way of thinking or UPROOTING a methodology that has transposed and influenced a systematic dichotomy of how you operate.  A revolution, in my own opinion, is needed in everyone's life because habits tend to sink in and before you know it, you are doing the same thing, everyday with no change.  In my life, it is incumbant that in order to survive I have to change the game plan and re-strategize my offensive strike.  A revolution begins in the mind because one grows weary of the way things are and, from time to time, realizes that they can do better or even deserve better than they are getting.  They get to a point where they say to themselves, "I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE AND I'M NOT WAITING!" 

A NOW revolution is called for in order to bust through the paradigms in the mindset because we are prisonsers in our own mind and tend to settle for the safe and typical because of the fear that resides and looms within to do greater.  We wonder if anyone will still be with us or if anyone will have your back if you step up and begin to make it known that I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!  Many think that revolutionary thinking is rebellious and that may, in fact, be true.  But all rebellion is not bad because the history of the United States of America was that of rebellion.  The founding fathers rebelled against the England Monarchy.  And not just that, however this country had an inner rebellion amongst the "negroes" as we were referred to in the 1950's and 60's.  So to say that rebellion is of the devil is completely one-sided because you're denying the wrong that a government can play and the role that they can use to manipulate and keep a group or entity from BECOMING what the true essence of who they are is to BE! 

Dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays wrote a book entitled, BORN TO REBEL, and in this he talks and discusses his life and the various hoops and hurdles that he overcame in order to be considered one of the greatest minds and philosophers of this age.  Where would this country be if it weren't for revolutionary thinking?  To take things a little further, where would we be, as a people, if it weren't for revolutionary thinking?  I would even dare to go even deeper and say, "where would you and I be if it weren't for people who gave their lives so that we could LIVE?  The ultimate revolutionary thinker of all is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because he refused to allow people to box him into a way of thinking.  He refused to operate according to the customs and traditions of his time in order to open up a greater realm of existence for those who would follow. 

The true revolutionists are those who walk no matter who walks away from them and continue to walk regardless of the assassination attempts on their life.  The true and real revolutionist takes no thought for the repurcussions of their actions because they are more bothered by INACTION than reaction.  So this is my tribute to the REVOLUTIONISTS who have gone before me who have laid a firm foundation upon which I stand today.  Thank you because you walked, I can now run faster than the man in front! 
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