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Real LYFE: April 2005

Friday, April 29, 2005

Reflection from the Heart

[I am going to let you overhear my intimate conversation with the Lord.]

God, you are completely my source. With everything I’ve been through in my life, there are many who couldn’t have survived. But I am still here. That means you have a divine destiny for me to fulfill. There is no way humanely possible that I can have low self-esteem. What is there not to like about me? Because the bottom line is YOU made me and You said in Your word that I’m “fearfully and wonderfully” made. You took time out and paid attention to the intricate details about my life. You sanctioned the complexities of my life to be! You kept back the hand of the enemy when he came to eat up my flesh. And yet, with all that You have done and STILL continue to do, I still fall by the wayside. I still have evil intentions in my mind. This amazes me that with all that I know you saved me from, I still entertain the thoughts to turn around and go back to life full of sin. I still listen to the “little” voice inside which is nothing but the enemy in-a-me. Having known that, I still find myself asking You for forgiveness because I’ve said something or done something or EVEN thought something that I know is against Your will for my life. And through it all, You’ve still stood right by my side. Although You were silent at times, I know You were right there watching over me.

I give you praise because of who You are. You are everything to me. When I was born, You gave me two, not one, but two parents, parents that were God-fearing. I don’t take that for granted and I thank you Lord. When I was out there in the world thinking that I had it “going on” with my crazy self, You stepped in and kept death, hurt and harm from overtaking me. When the doctor’s gave me a bad report, it was You that stepped in and told death to step back. When I was listening to the enemy tell me that he was going to kill me...You stepped in and told him that He didn’t have any authority over me because I belonged to You. When I was suicidal and wanted to end my life because I blamed myself for being molested...You stepped in and said NOT SO! You said that I had a purpose and that I was ordained before the foundation of the world was laid. You told me that I was a man destined for greatness with anointing dripping from my very being. You stepped in and snatched my mind and gave me the mind of Christ. In so doing, you showed me that there was no reason for the spirit of intimidation and You made me comfortable with me. You ushered me into a realm of knowing You in a way that very few people dare to go to. Everything that has taken place has taken place for the advancement of the Kingdom. You healed me, You delivered me, You restored me, You saved me, You provided for me, You were my strength, You took me out of the pit of suicide and anger. You did all of this…for me!

Your name is a strong’s because you are my love, my joy, my PEACE when all hell is breaking’s YOU that is the mind regulator, the heart fixer. You are my Rock, my Sword, and you are my Shield when the fiery darts have been shot at me, it’s been YOU who has protected me and blocked me from being hit. It’s You that kept me from being consumed by the fire when you allowed me to be set ablaze! Others looked in amazement because I still was in my right mind all the while I was in front of others in what looked like a lose-lose situation. My hope has been and forever will be in You, because it’s in You that I live, I move, and I have my being! You were there from the beginning and You will be there until the end and then even thereafter. When it’s all said and done...when I draw my last breath on this time, the scripture says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord…so…there is no end to your favor, your blessings, your grace and your wonderful mercies. The great thing about it all is that I will never be separated from You or Your love for me. Because when I’m finished with my assignment, I’m going to be with You so that I can rule and reign in eternity and in the new earth that You are going to establish. It’s because of who You are that I am who I am!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Deep Calls to the Deep

There is something happening in the realm of the supernatural that I can’t quite put into words but it’s something great! Everyone can’t understand what is happening...but there is a remnant that is being strategically placed for the unveiling of something beyond anything we can ask or think!! What I’m speaking of is the glory that the Lord is getting ready to release in the earthly realm. The glory of the Lord is being released for the saints to rule and reign with power, might, and authority. He couldn’t release it before now because of the immaturity of the body of Christ. His body was too concerned with wanting things...instead of wanting Him. God has wanted us in this place for quite sometime now to bestow the blessings and authority into the earthly realm but the leadership of the present-day church got sidetracked because they fell prey to the enemy’s vices. They got caught up with being elevated to positions...they got caught up with building bigger buildings, buying bigger homes, and driving a new car every six months to look the scripture says, ”having a form of godliness” but no power to loose the power to break the people free from oppression, no authority to speak to the demonic principalities that held their sheep captive. But there is a remnant that God has prepared. He’s prepared this remnant in the wilderness. This wilderness hasn’t been through hell...they lived in hell! Their life has been full of misery and discomfort...but through it all, they held on to God’s word. They held on for dear life to what the bible said about God and in the process experienced God, up-close and personal. They have felt the consuming fire God, the God of Judgment, the God who isn’t playing in this hour! This deems them qualified and favored to walk in the glory that is getting ready to be dispatched from the heavenlies. The reason why many don’t understand what’s going on is simple. The scripture says...the deep calls to the deep. This has nothing to do with whether or not you shout in church, have the loudest voice during praise time, make all the choir rehearsals, make the preacher’s meetings, have tailor made suits, or even where St. John suits. This has everything to do with your heart. David said that his heart panted after God and for those who pant AFTER Him no matter the circumstances may be, for those who have remained faithful even when being faithful has not been popular, to those who pressed even in the midst of a bad report from the doctor, you kept coming to church, you still made prayer meeting, as a matter of fact, you didn’t even wear sackcloth and ashes, but you opened yourself up to God to have His way and, in the process, discovered another aspect of who God is.

God has now favored you and placed a seek in you so deep that you are the deep that God is calling forth in this hour...YOUR FINEST HOUR! As I’ve said didn’t go through all the hell you went through for nothing! You didn’t face the bankruptcy court for didn’t go through chemotherapy for didn’t go through divorce court for didn’t get molested for didn’t get shot for didn’t get raped for weren’t abandoned as a child for weren’t suicidal for nothing...THERE HAS BEEN A CONTRACT OUT ON YOU FOR QUITE SOMETIME NOW...and in the midst of all that God called you! He placed a seek in you that you haven’t been able to shake off and it has awakened you in the midnight hour, it has kept you on your knees, it has kept you on your face before the almighty God. You haven’t been able to fully understand what is taking place in your life, but one thing you do know and have resolved in your spirit and that is God is your all in all. He’s means more than any relationship I have today, he’s means more to me than any job. He means more to me than any type of high or sexual orgasm that I can think of. He means more to me than my own life. He is EVERYTHING, HE IS THE HOPE OF THIS WORLD...WITHOUT HIM WE ARE NOTHING...IT’S ONLY IN HIM THAT WE LIVE, MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING. Who could do what He’s done for us? Who? Answer that question. The deep calls to the deep! When I hear that I think of the ocean and I think of how so much is unknown about the deepest parts of the ocean...but the surreal thing about it is, very few people have even been down to the deepest depths of the sea. Only few have attempted to delve that deep to discover what was down there. There is a place that God is calling you and I to journey too and it’s to go down to the deeper things of Him because that’s where we will discover the hidden mysteries of Him. But the catch is, to discover the deeper things of Him, you have to face your insecurities, your indiscretions, you have to come face to face with the part of you that you don’t like. Such as your lying, manipulative, controlling spirit, your need to feel important, your longings to be pleased sexually outside of the bonds of marriage, even your longings for the same sex. These are many of the areas that we refuse to put on the table because of the fear of what we may discover.

So, my question to you is, are you ready to face what you’ve been afraid to face in your life? Are you prepared to go into the recesses of your heart and face the real you? The YOU that you are when you are all by yourself? I guarantee you that God is waiting in the area that you’ve been afraid to talk about, afraid to visit. Will you meet Him at your point of loneliness and disappointment? IT’S UP TO YOU!

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Open Door

Revelation 3:7-8
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens; I know they works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou has a little strength, and has kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

It is a new season. This is the season of open doors! Not open doors that man has opened for you and can take credit for…but open doors that only God can open. It’s a new season…and along with this new season comes a fresh anointing. You may ask the question, why the fresh anointing? Well, when you go to another level in God, just like Cardinal Ratzinger had to get anointed for the new position, so it is in God. When he elevates us to a new level…we need a fresh anointing for the new arenas that we have been ushered into. This is a season where God is completely in control. This past week, all eyes were on the Vatican to see the new Pope. Now, from what I can remember, all of the networks cut out the regular broadcasting because a new sound had been ushered forth. Unfortunately, TBN and other Christian broadcasting, as well as BET and other special cable networks went on with business as usual…however, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and many other affiliates cut out the regular for something new. Something was being done that caused all eyes to go straight to Vatican City to see who would be the successor to St. Peter’s throne. Now I have to admit that upon hearing the name of Cardinal Ratzinger…I, at first, was disappointed…because it originally looked as if nothing was going to change…however, the Lord spoke to my spirit and told me that this is the beginning of a new order. He reminded me that He is the God that will take something precious away in order to begin something new! God is about to completely bust thru the paradigms that have been set by the church and bust through the walls that have kept us separate for so long.

This is the first installation of a pope in this generation. What does this say to us, the church? Because as millions of people were watching the pageantry over the past few weeks…one thing that remained consistent of the Catholic Church is that no Cardinal decided to break off and start their own church! Now I know some preachers won’t like this but I don’t care…there is an order in the Catholic Church that many Protestants (such as Pentecostal Churches, Baptist Churches, as well as the Apostolic Churches, etc.) need to pay attention to. The cardinals shut the entire world out…so they could seek the face of God and pray that He give them a successor…amazing…simply amazing! There is something to be learned from the ancient church…something that allows us to keep the holy just that…HOLY! God has called forth a new order…even on yesterday as I sat in church…I kept hearing God say…TODAY I HAVE USHERED YOU INTO A NEW ORDER…FORGET YESTERDAY AND WALK INTO TODAY. The world is so desperately trying to see God and we, the church, are trying to dilute the potent, word of God. I don’t want to get into that today. However, we have to pray and seek His face for His new order…I can’t stop saying it. A new order…a season of open doors…for those who have been wondering which way to turn…God is opening up doors that no man can take credit for…and He’s shutting doors that no man can even attempt to open. What should your response be in the interim? Praise the name of the Lord because of the season of favor that He has ushered you into.

The only warning that I need to mention is that this favor…this season of open doors isn’t about you. It’s about the generations that are coming up behind you that are looking to see God. If you turn this into a selfish thing…if you dare take the sacred thing that God is doing and make it secular…you will run the risk of cutting off an entire generation…the blood will be on your hands…because God isn’t playing in this hour…the entire world is looking at the Body of Christ…and as the children of Israel did in I Kings 18, we don’t want to be silent and run the risk of God sending down a consuming fire!

Who won’t come into their season of open doors because of your disobedience? You do realize that your children’s breakthrough is hinged on your breakthrough don’t you? I hope you realize that you’ve got to walk into this thing…not just for you but also for your entire bloodline! THIS IS OUR FINEST HOUR and many of you have waited for years for this season…don’t delay any longer…get up and do what God has ordained to be done, not for you, but for your children!!!
Walk into your open door! But realize that you can’t take the baggage of yesterday with you. It won’t fit, so let go of the anger, rape, molestation, promiscuity, drugs, thievery, the divorce, and forgive those who have caused you grief. Even forgive yourself for the many things you may have done to others! Let go of the past…because if you don’t, God will shut the door that was previously opened on your behalf and you will be forced to wait for the season to come back around. I don’t know about you, but I’m not waiting!

Friday, April 22, 2005


Let me explain who I am and why I am the way I am. Especially with the understanding that many people already think I’m strange…think that I’ve completely lost my mind. A lot of people would consider me arrogant and wonder what gives me the authority to say what I say or in the context in which I’m saying this…type what I type. Well, if I can take a moment and be transparent with you. I had to go to hell to be able to walk in the authority that I walk in today. I just about lost my mind, when I think about how far away I had gone from the Lord. I know that it was no one but Him that got me thru what I went thru. I’m still meditating on John, the 2:1-5, which says,

And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the
mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and his dis-
ciples, to the marriage. And when they had run out of wine, the mot-
her of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto
her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.
His mother saith unto the servants WHATEVER HE SAITH UNTO

As I said before, the Lord will allow you to run out of your own stuff. When I was out doing any and everything with everyone, the Lord didn’t stop me. When I was in my mess doing my own thing thinking that I was getting away with “murder.” I wasn’t getting away with anything. The Lord allowed me to run out of my wine. As it says in the text, Jesus was there throughout the wedding. No one asked Him for a thing until after they had run out of their stuff. When I ran out of my own stuff…I told the Lord, and I remember this as if it were yesterday…whatever, and I meant whatever! I had gotten tired of fighting His will for my life. I had fought it throughout my teenage years and then during my entire matriculation at Morehouse. After I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, because you have to understand, the world’s way is never going to give you peace. The world’s way of vicarious sex and drugs isn’t going to give you lasting joy. That’s one of the main reasons why you have to search for more _____ the next night, because the orgasm or the “high” from the cocaine or marijuana wears off. What you’re really looking for can only be found in Christ and the peace that you’re looking for can only be found in the comforter, the Holy Spirit. Since the day that I told him whatever, God has completely opened up doors that hadn’t opened up before. When I said whatever, it released God to be God fully and completely in my life. The scripture says in the book of Proverbs, “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” It’s amazing that we already have the authority to speak life, we already have the authority to change situations just by the words we speak, but we choose, rather, to speak words of death. Your situation is whatever you say it is. Your health is whatever you say it is. I know your spouse or your children may be working your nerves, but they are whatever you say they are. I dare you to set the atmosphere in your home and speak words of life over your children. Speak words of life over your spouse; speak words of life over every circumstance that you may be dealing with today. Because it is whatever you say it is!
He’s proven Himself to me, over and over again, so I must confess that whatever He says do, I’m going to do no matter the cost! There should be no hesitation in launching out into the deep because if He’s calling you into the deep, then He is already out there waiting for you to show up! So whatever He says…!

In Hot Pursuit!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Don’t Miss the Shift!

Don't miss the shift! There is so much that is about to take place...and I implore everyone to get into position! God has called you to a specific work...and it's not something that you are comfortable in doing; this is where the need for God comes into play. God will not change His mind...He doesn't have to change His mind...because who knows better than you what He placed inside of you? Trust in Him and know that He is God! I am in probably the most uncomfortable place that I've been in my entire life...and yet, I hear God telling me to press thru and seek Him even the more. There is so much that I am sensing in the spirit and at this point, I'm just thankful that I haven't lost my mind. I thank Him for His Grace. He should have wiped me out by now because of all of my disobedience. He should have taken what He called and chose me to do away from me and given it to someone who was more faithful...but, with all that, He still has His hand of protection around me and has called me to the battle for such a time as this. For that I am grateful. There are some things that God placed in me a long time ago that are now coming to fruition. Some things that I wrote out and printed and then allowed myself to get discouraged about. The dust settled on top of it and then God said...go get what I gave you because now it's time. You see, sometimes God will give you something and you'll think it's for the present time, but it's not. This is why we have to seek Him for His timing. When God gives us takes Him, on the inside of us, to believe Him. It's just that big! God gives us a season to prepare for what is to come. If He were to show us the full picture, we'd get scared! Remember, God didn't give you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. So, don't get weary because what you thought was supposed to work out last year didn't come to pass. There is a time and place for everything. Now is the time...go get what God gave you...and make it happen! The shift is right...the season is ripe...the dimension is NOW...there are lives waiting on you to show up with the plan in hand! Otherwise, move over and let someone else take the blessing...but if you're ready for the next phase of the battle, then I dare you to go get what God gave you, lift it up to Him and let Him be God!

It couldn't happen any other way!

In Expectation

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Wake Up and Hear the Cry!!!

There is a cry that is being heard throughout the nation…young people…and some even older are coming to the realization that the very essence of their being is craving to be loved by a father…for someone who has a sense of true identity to steer their young soul in the direction that they should take.
That’s what has been lost today. Today we have a people who are all about self. The thought for today is “I gotta get mine!” It is this philosophy that has torn the fabric of our society to pieces. It is this philosophy that has caused the crime rate to rise at an overwhelming proportion. This way of thinking has taken us from being a blessed nation to a nation who is in jeopardy of having God turn His back on us. In the book of Malachi, God spoke and said that He’s going to send the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Elijah is going to turn the hearts of the fathers’ to the children and the hearts of the children to the father’s, otherwise the earth would be hit with a curse.
This is the curse of today. Children, from the rejection of their father’s, in our society have lashed out into crime…drugs, murder, rape, money laundering, jealousy, and teenage pregnancy. Things are at such a level now that it’s going to take God and only God to step in and raise up men who are willing to love young people through their pain! I’m not talking about just any men, but men who are willing to become surrogate fathers and raise a generation.

This is why the cry for “fathers” is being echoed out all over the nation. The silence of men has gone on for far too long. We have allowed too much of the burden for raising our sons and daughters to be left to the mothers…and I don’t care how strong a woman is, God never ordained a woman to be both father AND mother. God is holding men accountable for the state of our society. He is going to cause us to answer as to why the crime rate is so high, why the prison population is bursting at the seams. God is going to bypass the women and He’s going to ask you and me what did we do to cause these horrific events to take place? Everything rises and falls on us as men! It’s time that we stop being silent and be the men that God has ordained for us to be. These young people are crying out for fathers…all they want is for someone to give them some direction, are you going to answer their call?

All most young people want is for someone, especially a man, to show some interest in him or her. They want to know that someone is proud of them…that someone is in their corner pulling for them, cheering them on. Just like, a child who plays a sport, there is nothing better than knowing that your dad is in the stands watching you play. There is a call going out across this nation for us to deal with our own individual mess, so that we can penetrate the hearts of our youth who feel that they have no one to turn to…no aim, ambition, no direction…no drive to go forward to a better day! How long will you sit around and keep going on with business as usual?

Monday, April 18, 2005

Silent No More!

Silent No More!

There is a prophetic voice proclaiming that a new day has come. Today is the beginning of a new day. I talked a lot of talk but I put my money where my mouth has been. I’ve been addressing the real life issues as I go day by day. I’ve said stuff that most people won’t fathom to say and I’ve challenged some old antiquated ideas. However, but what I hadn’t done until now is create a site, whereby more than just the few hundred on my email list can go and find a place of identity. A place where someone who disagrees can voice that disagreement. A place where someone can go and vent and through their venting receive healing. I’ve chosen to step out on faith and do what I haven’t done yet…open a blog site. This is entitled we are addressing some issues that are pertinent in the everyday life of a person…I’m also speaking what God gives me to the generations.

I was challenged by someone who can comes across as rather insignificant most of the time, but they told me to stop talkin’ bout it (whatever it is) and be bout it! And that’s exactly what I’m doing. Rather than huddle up in a corner somewhere, I’ve decided to come out of the shadows of mediocrity and comfortability because the youth of this nation are in dire straights! At the risk of sounding banal, my living cannot be in vain! If I do nothing else by creating this site, I’m creating a dialogue that can reach the masses and cause people to think! Think about their actions…think about their bloodline…think about their life and what they’ve done with it so far…think about what life is going to be like for their children once they are gone…hmmm.

Well, that’s it for now. I’m here and I ain’t goin’ nowhere anytime soon. Speaking out for the generations…crying out for transformation…transformation from what some may ask? Glad you asked…transformation from a dead unaware state to a conscious mind thinking about what their legacy is to the generations that follow.
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