DO YOU in 2010
It's the beginning of 2010 and I wouldn't be true to ME if I didn't tell you to make sure you DO YOU this year. Let me explain this statement before my "religiously legalistic traditional" fan club decides to chime in with proclamations that I have lost my ever loving mind. Remember, I love to provoke people from time to time in order to challenge them to look at their motives or intentions. But anyway, let me continue. Doing YOU in 2010 requires you, first and foremost, understanding what you were sent to this earth to accomplish. When you understand your assignment, you then can easily begin to accomplish your goal with ease. Even when there are disappointments, allegations, accusations, or anything else hailed against you, you have to know that you know that you know what you are purposed to manifest and DO IT!
Secondly, after understanding what you were created to do, you have to take a look at your crowd and ask yourself are these the players that will help you achieve your "championship status?" Not everybody with you can help you, believe it or not, and if you don't realize that it will hinder your progress in reaching your goals for 2010. Don't be afraid to change your "FAV 5" as it pertains to your crowd, cell phone, etc. because your crowd can make or break you! At the end of every athletic season you hear that the NBA, NFL, and the other sports go into trades. Why? Because their goal is to win the championship in their respective sport. They are doing what they're doing for recreation and because they don't have anything else better to do. They are doing what they're doing because they have a goal! Likewise, it is imperative for you to NOT make a new years resolution but a conscious decision as to what you will and won't accept from this day forward.
Thirdly, use the drama of 2009 and the haterade you have experienced to push you into walking into TODAY! Don't let people define you, ONLY YOU have the authority to do that! When you allow others to define you you give them the power to frame you and imprison you. Uhhhh, I DON'T THINK SO! I'm done with living out other people's curses on my life, it's time to live out my dreams and achieve bigger and better in 2010. If you don't do you then somebody else will and THAT MAY NOT FEEL SO GOOD. Feel me? I have gone through literal hell for the past couple years and for those who know me it was just that PURE HELL! The operative word that I love to espouse is "THROUGH" because with all I endured, I NEVER ONCE ENTERTAINED THE IDEA OR NOTION OF STOPPING! I kept on going because I had something I was predestined to do and nobody was going to stop me. It was a decision that I made in my mind and that created the atmosphere for my perception to see what others couldn't see!
I challenge you to LET YESTERDAY FIERCELY EMPOWER you to break free from the chains that have been placed on you by others or institutions and DO what it is YOU have been called to do. Meditate on it day and night, analyze your surroundings and environment and make the necessary changes needed to put the WORD into ACTION! That's what I mean when I say DO YOU! Remember, if you don't, somebody else will and you will become a slave to their anal retentive thinking and end up repeating your 2009, 2008, or maybe even your 2007 in 2010. Let all of that go and pursue some new territory that was off limits! Don't be afraid to rebel against the systematic thinking or your indocrination from a child, hell LIVE AND LET GO of the preconceived notions of what is and isn't acceptable. Take a risk and go out on a limb and, if push comes to shove, JUMP!
This is the year to have NO REGRETS! DO YOU and encounter new altitudes because when you take that first step, in the words of the Reverend Jesse Jackson, "your attitude will determine your altitude!"You will be able to soar to new heights that will blow your very mind! So DO YOU!
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