For the past two weeks I have been on a fast because for quite some time now I have known that the Spirit has been requesting for me to transcend and go higher into a new realm of existence. I fought this for months because I knew that dying to my flesh and abstaining from fleshly desires (food) would be costly as well as make me vulnerable but things in my life got to such a point that I had no other choice. I had to go UP because that is where destiny is.
What do I mean some of you may ask? The circumstances surrounding me have continued to grow all the while I have prayed and prayed asking God to remove them but they wouldn't go. I thought I was going crazy or doing something wrong. Well, I was because I was ignoring the command to turn aside from my fleshly desires for 40 plus days. By not doing so, the evil surrounding me was given the "green" light to advance full speed. My anxiety came back and I couldn't sleep because of my disobedience. Not obeying God fully is disobedience to be clear. So, with that said, I said YES to God and have journeyed on a 40 day hiatus with God.
Today I can announce that I have BE-come the journey, I am no longer on a journey. There is a difference, it is this; going on a journey is likened unto you sitting on a bus and looking at the scenery from the side view. You are sitting in a seat and are going wherever the driver takes you. When you are the journey YOU are in charge and you look at the scenery from the view of the drivers seat and not the passenger. The perception is different when you are in the drivers seat than when you are in the passengers seat and the distinction is this, IN THE DRIVERS SEAT YOU ARE IN CHARGE.
I had to quit being passive and take charge of my life because things were getting worse instead of better and enough was enough. I apologize for not realizing the importance of waking up earlier. I apologize because there are alot of people who look to me as a role model and mentor/father figure and promise that from now on I won't be silent. September 21, 2007 was a day that literally scared the "hell" out of me. But I am back! No longer will I allow the council of evil to usurp their power and influence over me because I am greater than them.
The reason why the enemy desired to assassinate my character and integrity is because I am raising up a generation of warriors who are going to give "hell" to their dominion by taking authority over the powers of darkness. Time is up! I am awake and understand who I am and what I have been called into the Kingdom to do at this time in the earth. I am not being rude when I say, if you don't understand what I am talking about, then this is not for you. I am called to awaken a remnant of people out of their sleep and slumber and stir up their gifts so they can be employers and put the enemy to work. Yea, that's right I said it.
As the saints of old would say, "A charge to keep I have and a God to glorify who sent His son my soul to save...to serve this present age!"
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