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Real LYFE: It's Time to Forget Yesterday and Move Forward

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's Time to Forget Yesterday and Move Forward

I have come to a place of understanding that IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME! In the poem Invictus, it ends with the following phrase, "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." And with that said, I have come to realize that it is time to advance forward and stop feeling sorry for myself. Yes, I was dealt a hard blow when I was indicted on 6 counts of stuff I didn't do. Yes, it was a blow to face the possibility of spending up to 27 years in prison had I been convicted on all counts. Yes, it was a blow to lose my job that I had had for a number of years of which I had never been written up for. Yes, it was a blow to be running succesfully for office and on my way to possibly winning and then have to drop out the race because of the indictments. Yes, it seemed highly unfair to have my life spin out of control and go up in what looked like flames! But life is what it is!
So I have come to the realization that you have to learn to take each day as it comes and not let anyone lay claim to your life. Your life is what YOU make of it. I have learned not to ever give anyone more power than they deserve. In the past two years I have been up and down. In the past two years I have made some decisions that probably were to my detriment. I was told by the Toledo Police Department and the Lucas County Prosecutor's office that I was cocky, arrogant and unapologetic! I was even told by the Judge, through my attorney, that I wanted it my way and I was attempting to butt heads with her. Now that could not have been any further from the truth but I have a need to be heard! I have a need to speak out with an injustice has occurred! I find it difficult to remain silent when there is an apparent violation of not just civil rights but human rights, so forgive me if I have come across as arrogant and cocky but the things that happened to me were horrible because I never hurt anyone. I won't now apologize for something I didn't do, but what I will do is apologize to the many people who have supported me because it has taken me sometime to fully realize why God allowed the situations to take place as He did.
That being said, the past is the past and today, April 23rd, 2009, I am still standing in my right mind and serve as the Senior Minister of "THE ROCK" Church in Toledo, Ohio. I love the members who support me and submit to my leadership. I couldn't do what I do without them showing up on Sundays to "root" for me and encourage me. "THE ROCK" Church is not the traditional church. It's anything but traditional, it's a non-traditional church that accepts people for who they are right now! We are not judgmental and we accept as is. I can't say that any more clear than right now! I like the Apostle Paul when he said, "I am forgetting what is behind and I am reaching for the things that are before me."
Let's forget about the haters and thank God that we are still alive and in our right mind! Let's move forward and get busy!


Blogger test gerald said...

Sounds as if you're resolved to 'take it by force!' Good for you! I can't imagine, not in the least, how you've been feeling through all this, but to come THROUGH it with THIS attitude speaks to your incredible intestinal fortitude as well as your character. Atta - 'MAN!' You certainly deserve that slap on the back...

3:07 PM  

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