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Real LYFE: Get Yourself Up!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Get Yourself Up!

Ephesians 3:20
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

My question to you is what power-faith do you have working in you? The text says that God is able to do even greater than your mind can even think about? But it’s all according to the stirring up of your faith.

For those who still are hesitant regarding doing what God said, it's time to step up to the plate. Your time is now! God has given you the authority to decide for yourself. You can choose to sit on the sidelines, watch others who have come in the Kingdom after you believe God at His word, move on in the power of His might, walk and do great and mighty exploits in His name. Or you can be apart of something that is greater than yourself...and move further beyond your years more than you could have ever imagined! Remember, this is the God that exceeds His greatness. He said that He is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we can ask or think, but it’s according to the power that is working in us!

He has given us the authority, but very few of us use it! It’s amazing how we watch life pass us by without using the authority that we have been given. This led me to lookup the meaning of the word, authority. The word, authority, means, the power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience.

Since He has given us the power to make our own decisions. We can't blame our ignorance on anyone but ourselves. We can't blame our hesitation on anyone but ourselves. We can’t blame our continued disobedience on anyone but ourselves because it is a defiant act of our own will. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? With all that you and I both have been through, we should be so sick and tired of the enemy beating us up, that we should be busting the door down to get the hell out of the situation that we’ve been in for far too long as it is. How much more are we going to allow ourselves to go through, when He’s already told us that we have the authority to make the decision to come out of the situation. He's already told us and showed us in His word that He gets greater...why sit on the sidelines and sing our ‘shoulda coulda woulda's? Why? I dare you to forget the past. I dare you to let go of your yesterday. Don't live in what happened yesterday. Don't let the enemy trick you into believing that your circumstance cannot or will not change. IT ENDS WHEN WE SAY THAT IT ENDS. IT’S OVER WHEN WE SAY IT’S OVER! It's a new day! This is a day where new mercies are given to US! Don't allow the enemy to get you to think and believe that you aren't worthy of better. If God said it, believe it and settles that in your spirit!

Let this resonate in your spirit this day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your doing great man! Keep it up!!

Jesus said, "I MUST preach the KINGDOM of God to other cities also: for therefore I am sent."

5:47 PM  

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