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Real LYFE: Why Keep Silent?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Why Keep Silent?

This is a blatant question that receives little attention. For a while now, we’ve maneuvered in such a way where we didn’t have to address such a deep and complex question. But the question doesn’t go away just because we refuse to address it! Why do we keep silent? Hmmm…kind of makes you think for a minute about all of the drama that you know that’s going on in your life, but yet, you and I choose to go on with life as if nothing is going on. Why do we do this?

Well, for one, we do it because it’s convenient. It’s convenient to just go on with business as usual without being inundated with a new set of issues. We don’t want to be uncomfortable, and that’s exactly the problem. We’re already uncomfortable because we know that what’s being seen publicly isn’t what it really is, so why do we lie to ourselves and act as if as long as we go along with the program, we’ll be okay? It’s a trick of the enemy, that’s why! As long as he can get us to believe that we’re better off keeping our mouths shut, he’s got us right where he wants us…behind enemy lines!

I used to deal with this as a child day-in and day-out. “Should I speak and tell what’s going on or should I stay quiet?” I used to think that it’d be better if I didn’t tell anyone that something was going on inside of me. I used to think that it’d be better and I’d probably have a better chance of fitting into the crowd if I’d keep my mouth shut. But on the flip side, if I was accepted into a crowd based on false pretenses (which most of us are) am I really being accepted or am I going to have to be bothered with covering up the lies for the rest of my life? I don’t know, these are just questions that I have come to ask myself this day regarding my decision to SPEAK out!

It’s amazing what being molested will do to your self-esteem. I literally stood by and almost watched my entire life pass by me because I allowed my pre-conceived thoughts to control my destiny. I allowed the fear of the unknown to take authority over my situation, and that authority rendered me powerless! I was a slave to my own mind and was of no use to anyone, mainly myself. My decision to speak came at a time when I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown because I was suffering from the disease that I call, “people.” Let me explain. I was more worried about people and what they would say about me if I told them the truth than I was my own well being. I was so “caught up” with making sure my image was spotless because I had been raised to believe that it was all about looking a certain way! I was caught up “alright” with the wrong thing and that wrong thing almost killed me!

I thank God this day that I chose to speak up and out into my future. I’m glad that the drama that took place in my life squeezed me into a place where I now have no fear of what others think of me. We spend our entire life keeping quiet, trying to, as we call it, keep folks out of our business, when people, for the most part, could care less about your past. And those who do have dirt in their own life that they’re trying to cover up themselves.

I remember being molested and thinking to myself that it was my fault and that I possibly did something wrong that provoked the man to do what he did to me. Because of fear, I allowed myself to be imprisoned in my own mindset and everything I did after that was directly related to the offense that took place in my life way back when.

Have you checked your past to see what happened that has caused you to go “off-course?” And if so, what’s keeping you from confessing that thing so it can no longer be a hindrance to your journey in life? Why do we keep silent? That’s a good question but it’s a question that can only be answered by you! I can’t answer it for you. There is a spirit of genocide that rests over the heads of people of African-American descent because we, as a people, have a complex regarding confessing our issues. It’s as if we are the only ones who are going through the storms when we aren’t. If I were you, I’d get whatever issue has been holding onto you out on the table and begin dissecting it so you can see how the enemy has been able to keep you imprisoned! I’d expose him at the place of your most sensitive vulnerability. I compel you to let the healing begin. Let the scars that you’ve kept hidden begin to heal once and for all so you can move on and begin LIVIN’ 4 REAL!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hate that you drove down my street and parked in front of my house on that one!

I think that people keep things inside because they feel that it is best not to 'rock the boat' - but they would rather sink the titanic when something blows into a major ordeal.

I also think it stems from a false sense of pride brought on by our societal images and influences. If everbody is a "pimp in their own mind", a 'hustler", or a "baller", where are the people that actually communicate and appreciate other people? We are presented images and influences of objectification and cooptation, not cooperation and honest communication.

Faith and temperance are those Christ - like qualities that move us off the mark. It is just as dishonest to keep something and not get it out in the open, then it is to misrepresent what you want to convey.


8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most people cant deal if I go public with the issues so silence SEEMS EASIER to deal with.

8:37 AM  

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