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Real LYFE: Nobody’s gonna turn me around!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Nobody’s gonna turn me around!

I ain’t gonna let nobody or no-thing turn me around and get me all distracted from my destiny! You see, on this journey, just like God watches us, the enemy watches us too! He knows our weaknesses and he knows just what we would love to do…down in the depths of our mind. The enemy is very tricky and will stop at nothing to get you and me all the way out there…and then leave us up the creek without a paddle! We fall for it time and time again…but today, more than ever before, I’m determined that I’m not goin’ to let nobody or no-thing turn me around!

I’ve got to remember where I came from and all of the hell that I encountered thus far on this journey! Life ain’t been no easy bed of roses! Angels haven’t slept over my bed every night! Some nights I feel like there were some demons laying right next to me…hell, I don’t know about you, but I’m talkin’ about me today! There have been friends that I’ve had to let go of, as I was talking about last week, and it was hard! Damn! When I think about all the time I wasted around with people who are beneath me, it really gets me upset! Wow! I’ve come to realize that I’ve been my own worst enemy! Not the devil, but me! The enemy-in-a-me! I made decisions that I’m still paying for and when I look back, I have to ask myself, why? Was it worth it Rich? Was it worth the sleepless nights? Was it worth the hospital visits? Was it worth seeing others rollin’ past me driving my blessing? Was it worth the torment that was going on in my mind? Was it worth the stress? See, sleeping around doesn’t bring much peace, oh yeah; orgasmic peace just lasts for the minute people!!! So, hear me loud and clear! I’m not looking for an orgasmic peace, that’s the last thing on my mind…I’m looking for a peace deep down within the soul into the recesses of the heart! Now that’s where I’m looking for my insecurities to be met, not in the superficial. There are too many folks that are looking for a cheap thrill; instead, they need to be looking for something that is more sustaining than a 5-minute pleaser! You know what I’m talking about so don’t get all high and mighty with me! I’m only saying what you’re thinking.

It’s time out for the fun and games. I’m in this for the long haul, so that may mean that my dearest friends will have to wait on the sidelines! Cuz I am for real, I am not going to let nobody or no-thing turn me around ever again! I messed up last year and allowed people to block my blessing and now here we are, a year later and I’m passing this test now with flying colors! I can’t afford to let arrogance and pride to mess me over! NO, not this time, there are too many lives that are hanging in the balance…how ‘bout you? Are you ready to find out what lies ahead for you in the deep abyss? If you are, then you need to change your outer clothing and dress yourself in some deep-sea gear! Because there are a lot of things that are getting ready to happen but only those prepared will survive!!!!


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