In Pursuit of Purpose
I’ve been talking to a lot of young people and everyone is wondering what their purpose is in life. The question that they keep asking is, “why am I here?” This is the question of life. Why? When you understand the why, everything else falls in place. Why was I born? Why did God let me be born into a dire situation? These are questions that young people across this nation are asking and we’ve got to be prepared to help them with the fundamentals of life. If a teenager doesn’t have a clue as to what their purpose is, then how in the hell are they going to tell their illegitimate children who and what they were created for? It’s a cycle that we have to interrupt before it gets more out of hand than it is today! My heart goes out to the number of young men I mentor day-in and day-out who are trying to fit in with the world but seem unable too. They keep going around in circles trying to get in where they can fit in all because they didn’t have a father in the home to steer them and aim them in the right direction as a toddler. Now someone may get offended because as a single mother you were with your child and you taught him or her right from wrong. More power to you for your endurance and your dedication, however, God never ordained for a child to be reared up with a mom working as both the mom and dad! A father’s role cannot be filled in by a woman, now she can be graced with an uncanny ability to be strong and have great amounts of wisdom, however that child is going to yet crave for the touch of a father…if theirs is nowhere to be found.
Purpose…purpose…purpose…I can’t help but intercede for this generation of youth and young adults who are wandering around aimlessly looking for love, acceptance, and affirmation from anybody who is willing to give it. Never mind the manipulation that is involved, never mind the price that they may have to pay, they’ll do whatever it is to fit in and be accepted, even to the point of risking their life. That’s what I’m trippin’ about…we have an entire generation that lacks identity because no one ever told them who they were and what they were created for. What many people don’t know about most of the “stars” throughout the world, they cover up their hurts, disappointments, and low self-esteem and make believe like everything is okay. They look like they really “got it goin’ on!” When, in fact, if you really knew how miserable they were, you’d truly have to think twice about what your aims and desires are in this life!
How do you spend your time throughout the day? Do you spend it trying to keep up with the Smith’s and Jones’ or do you spend it trying to understand your Creator? Do you spend your day trying to see who you can lay up IN? I know I used too…I thought that that was the end all of life…to see how many partners I could sleep with…who else I could add to my count total!!! But, sleeping around only gave me pleasure for the moment! There was nothing that could sustain me because just as quick as the orgasm would come, I would be filling empty just that fast cuz the thrill was over!
So, I ask you, what’s your purpose in life? What were you created for? I mean, it’s easy to pontificate a nice spiritual answer and say that you were created to glorify God, but what does that mean? We have to stop with the cliché’s and get some substantive answers to some of life’s difficult questions. If we don’t, we run the risk of losing yet another generation to a world system that takes all it can take before throwing you to the wolves.
I’m praying that others will feel me on this and rise up and join in the battle to change a generation!
Purpose…purpose…purpose…I can’t help but intercede for this generation of youth and young adults who are wandering around aimlessly looking for love, acceptance, and affirmation from anybody who is willing to give it. Never mind the manipulation that is involved, never mind the price that they may have to pay, they’ll do whatever it is to fit in and be accepted, even to the point of risking their life. That’s what I’m trippin’ about…we have an entire generation that lacks identity because no one ever told them who they were and what they were created for. What many people don’t know about most of the “stars” throughout the world, they cover up their hurts, disappointments, and low self-esteem and make believe like everything is okay. They look like they really “got it goin’ on!” When, in fact, if you really knew how miserable they were, you’d truly have to think twice about what your aims and desires are in this life!
How do you spend your time throughout the day? Do you spend it trying to keep up with the Smith’s and Jones’ or do you spend it trying to understand your Creator? Do you spend your day trying to see who you can lay up IN? I know I used too…I thought that that was the end all of life…to see how many partners I could sleep with…who else I could add to my count total!!! But, sleeping around only gave me pleasure for the moment! There was nothing that could sustain me because just as quick as the orgasm would come, I would be filling empty just that fast cuz the thrill was over!
So, I ask you, what’s your purpose in life? What were you created for? I mean, it’s easy to pontificate a nice spiritual answer and say that you were created to glorify God, but what does that mean? We have to stop with the cliché’s and get some substantive answers to some of life’s difficult questions. If we don’t, we run the risk of losing yet another generation to a world system that takes all it can take before throwing you to the wolves.
I’m praying that others will feel me on this and rise up and join in the battle to change a generation!
I too have a passion to work with youth! Thank you for writing a passionate journal about purpose. Our young people are dying Pastor Rich and they seem to be getting no real support from the "church." It's going to take those of us who are hearing a different sound to rise up and settle our own individual issues of the past, and then be willing to put ourselves out there to show people are wounds and scars! That's effective ministry! It's not lip service
The thing about Purpose is that we cannot always answer that for others specifically. The churchy answer “to glorify God” is churchy but ultimately it's correct. Now, we need to break it down for our let them know that you can glorify God in Wrap or in Gospel; that you can glorify God weather you work in a gas station or in an executive tower; we need to be able to show them how God can get the glory in your life and you can fulfill His purpose in almost any place He has you in life. Show them how God didn’t always change our circumstances, but allowed us fulfill His purpose by demonstrating a Godly mindset and just sharing a word of encouragement. The problem too often becomes that we don’t want to be real or honest enough about the things we’ve been thru to do that. But I believe that God has one in you Elder B. Be encouraged and know that God is with you.
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