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Real LYFE: It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp?

Monday, March 06, 2006

It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp?

Wow, I never in a million years would have thought that this song would have been highlighted at the academy awards! It's interesting to think about just how far we've come in America. Someone made a statement over a year ago, as a matter of fact, the person that made this statement is a disc jockey but the statement went like this, "Hip Hop rules the world." How interesting to note that this style or genre of music, that most people believed would die out is front and center in today's world.
Think about it, back in the 80's would you have thought that you'd be watching some African Americans perform at the Oscars' in jerseys and jeans? Think about it for a minute. This is an event that has gone down through the years as an elite event that is a black-tie affair, however, looking at the news this morning, the song was given prime-time coverage! I looked at the news in amazement because I couldn't help but think about the statement that I heard over a year ago, "Hip Hop rules the world."
What's next? If we were highlighted with this performance this year, what do we have to look forward to next year? Are the days of wearing a "black-tie" over with at the Academy Awards? Who knows but it's hard out here for a pimp is all I can say today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't there something very wrong with the "glorification" of a type/genre of music that threatens (has assasinated) the very fabric of our moral values? I shuddered last night listening to the song performed, because deep inside I knew it was going to win the Oscar. If life gets any "easier" for a pimp, what will be the fate of our sons and daughters if the Lord tarries His return. Christian folk better wake up, because hip-hop (along with all of it's forms of expression) is the very tool of Satan (the god of this world) that is blinding the minds of them, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ should shine unto them.

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the things that have been uttered however, the church has to do a much better job of presenting an alternative to the world. The church, for far too long has been irrelevant in a dying society. We're so into making sure that we attend convocation, and our clothes are matching. We don't have any influence in society. So while I do believe that the "christian" folk better wake up, but my question is wake up to what? What are they (the church) going to do when they get up? I'm tired of the talk...what are they going to do about "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp?"

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that's what I'm talking about! What's the church going to do? Have they, the church, ever understood the life of a pimp? Do they even know what it's like out there on the streets? I used to live out there and I am one that works with the "pimps and hoes" for lack of a better word. Most of them, if you get them one on one, don't want to be out there doing what they're doing to begin with...but who really takes the time to love them to Christ? WE spend most of our time ridiculing and talking about some "better" life in the hereafter! They're trying to make ends meat NOW! So that's my two cents...I'm out! Wake up church cuz it's hard out here for a pimp!

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean I hear all you church people, but as a young person. THAT'S MY JAM! I mean, it's real life talk. Isn't that the name of this blogsite? Real Lyfe? If you can't keep it real then why are we even talking about it. All the church people should stay right where they are. Inside the four walls cuz to my generation, church is boring! It's crazy to go in there and sit for two or three hours and watch people shout and crap. I mean, I am a christian but dang, the church hasn't taken the time to understand our generation and the things that drive us. We are the Hip Hop generation and my popps had it right when he wrote that "Hip Hop rules the world." To those of you who think it's satanic dang...I feel sorry for ya'll cuz you all are in the dark. My popps, Pastor Rich is prolly the greatest youth pastor cuz he takes the time to listen to our heart. He knows we may be wrong but he has never ever criticized or ridiculed me or my brothers at church. he even know we be wrong most of the time but he loves us unconditionally which is more i can say for most of the "saints"
I like the song it's cool if you ask me, but church people don't really ask my generation, you all spend most of the time talking down to us telling us that we're going to burn in hell or somethin like that. So, oh well, thanks popps for even addressing this hot issue today! Thank you for spending time with my generation and hearing our heart! Cuz the bottomline is we want to be right! Please don't leave us hangin like most of the other church people. Love you.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am appalled at the fact that "it’s hard out here for a pimp" has won an Oscar. What is wrong with this picture? Is this what we want White America to view us as…pimps? Is this the status we worked so hard to achieve? Is this what we want in the history books? Is this the road we want our kids to walk down… would this make us proud?

I too agree that the church needs to wake up, it is time out for being up in the clouds while our kids are hanging out on the block. We need to take our youth back! As Christians we have to break out of the walls of religious traditions and meet the youth were they are. Hip-hop is only a weapon used by Satan because we have not embraced it and used it to glorify the kingdom. Instead we turn our nose up and keep singing “draw me nearer” while our kids are being drawn to the streets…the fast life…the fast cash…the cars…the sex and the drugs...that’s why it’s hard out here for a pimp!

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting blog today! I can tell some of the people are a tad bit religious but it's all good. I feel where yall are comin from, but you gotta remember to see from the otherside as well. the person who wrote it wrote it relating to a lifestyle that many people exemplify and try to personify. In actuality, many people deep down inside want to live the life of a pimp...this is the real issue as to why the "white" people, cuz you know the black people don't really vote...but that's why the white people voted for this song to win. This is the real issue that needs to be addressed. What is it that is intriguing about the lifestyle of a pimp? Is it the number of sexual conquests? Is it the power or control they have? Or is it that they live a "care-free" life? I don't know, I'm just asking a question Pastor Rich.

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well from the sound of it I think the "church" needs to upgrade and do a better job of being relevant in this society! If we spend some time listening to what is attracting our kids rather than sticking to what "got us over" we may just be able to penetrate their hearts and have a meaningful relationship with the next generation.
We spend too much time in fear, afraid to reach out to our youth. We'd rather sing "How Great Thou Art" rather than spend time looking for ways to interact meaningfully with tomorrow's leaders! Because in fact they are leaders today...we better start treating them as such or we run the risk of our churches becoming mausoleums. The real church has become the television! If you don't believe me...take a look!

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich...I think your addressing this topic was such a wonderful thing (same thing with the abortion issue)! What this boils down to is "what is the mind of God on this issue"? When I look at what Jesus did, I see pure love AND pure righteousness. He stood up for the woman who was caught in adultery, but He also confronted the sin that the woman had committed and charged her to stop. We really need to move beyond using the titles of Christian, Saint or whatever and begin focusing on what is the main as Jesus would.... holy, righteous and loving. That's what we all need to "wake up to". The question burning in the front of my mind is "Is Jesus pleased with how I am living my life?" If the answer is yes....then that is "Real Lyfe". I really wish that those who claim to be "Christians" would quit condoning lifestyles that are defeatist in nature and challege people to live on a higher plane. We accept mediocrity and I have never read where Jesus did.

3:45 PM  

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