Let Go and Walk into Today
One thing that I know for sure and that is that God will wipe away all tears from our eyes! He said it, I believe it and that settles it! During this time where so much is taking place across this nation, throughout the world, and more personally, right in my own community, I am resting in God's promise that He'll do what He said He'll do! As a matter of fact, He's already done the work and the plight in life is to find out what He's already done. Along this journey nothing is a surprise to God because He's already determined the end. It's already a done deal and the occurrences that take place that throw us off course are for our making. How else will we ever know that God is a heart fixer if our heart is never "broken?" Think about it for a minute.
How else would you know that He's a healer if you never ever got sick? How would you know that He is a waymaker if you never ever needed a way made out of no way? Our life is full of circumstances that are deemed necessary for the ultimate purpose of discovering a greater aspect of who God is. How do you really know that He is the Lord of your life? I discovered that for myself when I went through my trials and tribulations! First hand, I was standing on my own accord without my dad or my mother, I had to stand by myself and declare that God was God over every situation, at the risk of death, I yet stood my ground.
When my father passed, again, there was another circumstance that caught me off guard, but yet, I remained steadfast and unmovable. I didn't like what I was going through, but I know the Lord today better than I knew Him back then! God has a plan for our lives and although His ways aren't our ways and His thoughts aren't our thoughts, we have to understand that He never ever makes a mistake. He promised in His word that He was going to bring us into a good land where we would not lack! He told us in the book of Jeremiah that He has thoughts to prosper us and not to harm us. The thing that catches us off guard is that we try to humanize this God and He can't be characterized according to the ways of the world. We get offended when someone is snatched out of our life, through sudden death or sickness and we want to blame Him. We have to understand that His thoughts are so far away from our humanistic mindset that we can't ever begin to even comprehend His mind or why things happen the way they happen.
For me, I stopped trying to figure Him out a long time ago. I could have remained angry and hostile over my father's death, but what was their to gain from all that? I had to let it go and many of you reading this have to let issues go from yesterday. Of course I could hold on to yesterday, but I figured that it wasn't worth my destiny! I realized that my future was too bright. I finally began to understand and see what God had created me to be and that didn't involve holding on to things and issues from the past. I've forgiven people and moved on so that I could walk into the things that the Lord had prepared for me before the foundations of the world was laid.
What about you? Are you going to hold on to yesterday or let go and walk into your today?
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