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Monday, February 13, 2006


The sun sets and the moon rises to reveal a star lit sky,
Two lovers wrapped in each other's arms gaze above,
Their hearts beat simultaneously signifying their unity as husband and wife, Adam and Eve, Romeo and Juliet,
He whispers in her ear,
"I am now complete.
When Adam gave birth to the first woman by removal of his rib his glass was half full just as mine was,
But now I feel my other half taking its rightful place inside,
Before you all I had was a blank picture but you are my color,
The color that gives me vibrant life with each brush stroke,
The color that adds to my otherwise bland portrait,
The wind beneath my wings, the answer to my question, the pulse of my heart how I adore you, My own angel, wrap your wings around me for warmth and protection, security and assurance, The light unto my darkened path, you guide me and I you,
The stars are yet not bright enough for the radiance of your smile,
How I wish moments like this would last forever,
I will hold you, embrace you, love you, cherish you, until my body no longer has feeling,
When words can't be remembered, and ink fades away my love will stand through time,"
Books will be written, and tales told of the feelings a man had for one woman
While he whispered in her ear, "I love you"...underneath the stars

Young Slim 21


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, very nice and appropriate, being that Valentine's day is tomorrow. Keep up the good work Young Slim 21. I hopefully look forward to seeing you on the open mic real soon! The ATL has a lot to offer you! Take advantage of it and seize the moment cuz it belongs to you! I'm glad that Pastor Rich is your mentor. He has spent a great majority of his life teaching young men how to be REAL! I can see, from your writing, that you are very real and true to the soul.


12:51 PM  

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