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Real LYFE: Pimpin' Ain't EASY?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pimpin' Ain't EASY?

What's this statement about? Where does it stem from? I can't help but ask myself and ponder this thought today with everything else that has taken place this week, I'm led right back to Monday's blog title. It caused such a stir that it seemed to be the talk in a lot of the feedback that I received on Tuesday and Wednesday. Most of you know me quite well and for those who don't I like to be on the "edge" and I've been quite controversial on some of the things that I've put on this blog site. I do these things to provoke many of you and cause you to possibly "wake up" from your slumber and sleep!
Have you ever thought to wonder why the life of a pimp is so glamorous but on the flip side the life of a preacher seems to be so dire and broke up? Think about it. Not just preachers but think about the life of the "saints" of the most high! If you consider yourself to be a Christian, or as some say, a follower of Christ, how do you present yourself? Now, I'm a preacher but I'm going to make this statement. Some of you will not like it but, oh well! If I were a young person in the world today, considering where I lived I would think twice about being a follower of Christ primarily due to the way most saints present themselves. Listen, there is too much going on out in the world for the church to be so broke up like it is! I'm not saying the church of Jesus Christ has to be perfect because there are no perfect conditions, however, I'm saying that we have to remember that our marketing has got to be cutting edge and NOT the way we "did it" back when grandma and "n'em" were coming up in the country church.
I tell my young folks all the time that the church suffers from the "mom and pop" mentality and has for far too long refused to connect to TODAY! This is the main reason why we don't understand slogans such as "pimpin' aint easy!" I didn't get here overnight now so please don't think I'm trying to say that you just have to wake up and embrace everything that is going on. Because this most definitely isn't what I'm saying. What I'm trying to get many of you to see is that instead of turning your nose up at a statement like this, try understanding the other side of the tracks first! You'd be surprised what you could find out about the REAL DEAL if you just listened to the pain and anger in the hearts of our young people.
Today, most people don't have time to sit and listen...or if they listen, they only do it with their ears and not their hearts because they go right back to doing what comes natural rather than stretching themselves to make a difference in someone's life. I deal with this mentality in the church on a consistent basis because I get many leaders who want to understand youth but they really don't know what it means to understand the next generation. There was a day when a heading like the one today would have completely turned me off! I mean, my background is all church (as a preacher's son) plus throw in the Morehouse education and then on top of that, I'm an Alpha as well. :) Some would say that I tend to be a little cocky or arrogant! However, in order to reach this generation, I had to throw all of that to the side, and get into their world and make them feel important! Not just for the moment...But in every day life. Was it easy? HELL NO! It was a very big stretch but I made the least and the lowly feel like they were important. When's the last time you can say that you completely got into someone else's world and forgot about your own stuff for a minute?
Just something to think about today as you go your merry way. I sat with an "old head" for breakfast the other morning who high-fived me on the fact that "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" won an Oscar! He said that we've come a long way! I grinned because I thought real long and hard for a minute and had to say that he was absolutely correct! Think about it, another sect of people who for a long time felt like nobody gave a damn finally got some air time! Hmmm now I'm not endorsing either way but I do know this was the first time my young people watched the Academy Awards in droves and I'll leave it at that! So I close by asking you to reflect and ponder on where you are today and how far you've come. For some of you I know you still are in the same boat and don't understand what I'm asking you to do but for others of you I am sure you can remember from whence you've come and truly appreciate the phrase, "pimpin ain't easy!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now to be from the older generation in church I must say Pastor Rich that this is some serious food for thought. I'm guilty I almost didn't read this because of the title but after looking a little deeper I got convicted because I have been afraid to embrace anything that the next generation has tried to do. I'm going to pray and ask the Lord to show me what my real fear is because you truly made some valid points!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good blog! Very insightful!

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when you write about real life issues! Please keep up this series. I hope you touch on other topics that bridge the gap between today's youth and adults.

Thank you.

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the other person that responded. I love it when you address real life issues. People at the church I attend are too afraid to talk about the real life issues that are facing our youth. Thank you for daring to touch the lives of tomorrows leaders. I hope you keep this up! Great job!

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAKE UP CALL!!! As you said it is high time that the church infultrate the world instead of the other way around. I will be much obliged to take it a step further! PIMPIN' AIN'T EASY - AND HOE 'N IS HARD! Because I know with the first statement there is much emphasis on the male side of this issue but there is a female side! Before people turn their nose up to what i am saying look at the -- or better yet listen to the underlying scream that comes from those statements. For the ladies it is most likely by far the most attention they have ever had from a man in all of their lives! The most protection, the most consideration, etc. It is a real big disease to attack because as Pastor Rich stated you have to be CAPABLE of listening with your heart!!!!! It's Hard out Here for Pimp & It's Cold Out here for a Hoe! WHAT ARE WE REALLY TRYING TO SAY!!!!!

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now this is shonuff the truth! You made some real valid points in this column. They are pretty heavy and deserve some real thought! I've been ordained for a good number of years and have always looked down on the youth. I am not too sure why but you have raised some serious issues that really have me thinking. I need to repent and think again about how I've approached our youth because they do deserve to be listened too. I do believe that they have a lot they can share to anyone who really cares to listen. And when I say listen I don't mean to just listen but really open themselves up to what they have to say and hear their heart.
Thanks for causing me to think twice. I appreciate this blog and do intend to put this down as one of my favorites.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich, we serve an awesome God, who happens to be more forgiving than the body of beleivers. As a result of this, in addition to the "old way," people have definitely hardened their hearts towards our younger generation. Being a youth advocate, such as yourself, I agree that it is time for the "overseers" to stop being offended to the point of complete and utter blindness. How can we serve and minister to this ostracized generation if we know nothing about them or their jacked-up culture.

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich, I posted the last comment. I just read Monday's blog and saw the posted response from one of your teens. This comment is for them.

I just read your comment from Monday. Everything you said is a direct reflection of what alot of church youth feel; that the body of Christ is far too judgemental. Please know that just as Pastor Rich has dedicated himself to the spiritual and character building of youth, so have I; as well as many others. I agree that the church cannot be so concerned with recognizing evil that they ignore potential. I am an educator as well as a Deacon, and active in youth ministry. Yet, this means nothing if I can't understand you or other teens. I feel you!!! God calls for His people to be separate from the world; yet in ministry to those of the world, we must understand the world. I watch 106th & Park, I'm going to see the movie ATL, I listen to hip hop; however, not for entertainment or to glorify the elements of that culture, but rather to have a deeper understanding of the teenage world. If I don't know the latest, then I'm stale and out-of-date like old milk. I have often heard people say that they don't want to be preached to by a person that 'aint been through nothin'. It's true, and the same as the present situation between youth and adults. Youngster you are loved and may God keep you covered as you grow in body and spirit.

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's quite interesting adults can choose to turn the conversation inward to their expectations of our youth, and less than appropriate treatment of the next generation. We can choose to find out how to reach people, or choose not to... It seems young people, teens, or even "little ones" are treated as if they have the plague, but will get over it magically once they have reached eighteen...NOT!! How can our youth have any direction when they are abandoned by the folks that should be most closely aligned with them???
The best part of an open dialogue is the answer starts with each one of us...What are you willing to do to make the situation better? Some older folk criticize, saying we shouldn't try to understand teens to do outreach...Wasn't that you just about twenty years ago? (or less?????)

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is excellent! Exactly what needs to be discussed and made relevant to the "old" guard before the church becomes a mausoleum.

8:51 AM  

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