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Real LYFE: Where Are We Headed?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where Are We Headed?

The state of South Dakota did something that has now set the stage for a meeting of the minds on the steps of the Supreme Court. This nation, in case you don't know, has been divided for the past 5-6 years on the issue of abortion. The real sad thing is that it has divided the church...The body of Christ! We've made it into a black thing vs. White thing which isn't the case at all, but before we start damning pro choice supporters to hell, I think it's imperative to get an understanding of what they are standing for. Because, case-in-point, it's a deeper issue than anybody really cares to know. And, yes, I think it would do the pro-choice supporters a lot of good to understand the pro-life side a little better as well.
I'm going to remain neutral for the time being because I'm just trying to bring to the forefront what I know is going to be a messy debate. During the last two presidential elections I could see exactly where we were headed to and now we are finally here! And this is only the beginning. What side do you fall on or is there a side at all?
Again, before the deeply religious start down the hallway of damning people to hell, I ask you to think and contemplate what is about to take place. This isn't a democrat/republican issue. This isn't even what we've made it---a black/white issue. The bottomline is that it's a God issue and if we, the body of Christ don't rise up and take a stand then we run the risk of remaining a constant irrelevant in the midst of the world looking for an answer!
Think about this for a moment...Hmmm Life-Death-Death-Life---Choice!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now this is one that will make you think for a moment! Hmmm

9:11 PM  

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