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Monday, March 13, 2006


Titles like the ones from last week are reaching our youth and young adults in ways the "old rugged cross" isn't. So the question is, what are we, leaders, going to do? Just a thought to ponder as you go your way this day because I'm sick and tired of us doing nothing. I'm sick and tired of us acting like the next generation is sick and disgusting and has no hope! They have hope and they have a mind! They are some of the most educated young people that I have been around but the scripture says it best, "while men slept..." Hey, can you wake up?
That scripture is an indictment on the church, not the youth! Our young people are attracted to MONEY, POWER, and SEX! I can't trip cuz' those are the things that I was attracted to and keepin' it way real, I still am! I'm just older, wiser, and more seasoned in my approach! (I know this revelation is going to cause some of you to say that you want to be taken off the real lyfe emails...That's okay...No harm no foul...See ya!) But for those who want to continue to keep it real, let's do just that!
My dilemma or the issue that I'm faced with as a youth pastor is how to refocus, redirect, our youth and connect them back to the Lord. Because at the end of the day what's important is that they discover their purpose here on earth and that's found in Christ! No matter what you say or what the argument is, this is the REAL DEAL but the presentation or the market strategy that we've been using has got to change. I'm addressing more than the church at this point, hell, most of our kids aren't interested in the church or the organizations such as the NAACP and the like that had relevance back "in the day!" So what do we do?
For me, I'm all about relating to them where they are. I don't care how many old heads get offended because the old heads are dying out and my thought is, "who's replacing them?" No one wants to face the real stuff so I figure I'll bring it out and put it on the table so we can discuss the REAL DEAL! Somebody left a Young Jeezy (I hope I spelled that right) CD in my car and after looking at the cover for almost a week, I decided to put it in the player and listen. Now, a lot of people would say, "I can't listen to that crap!" or "That mess should be thrown away!" Okay, go right ahead and destroy it, it don't matter cuz there are more in the stores and it's being played on the air waves! In other words, it's being put in the atmosphere so why not listen and get an understanding of what our youth are listening too? Huh?
I'll get back to Young Jeezy but the other thing I had to educate myself on is the song that is out in the atmosphere talking about "kryptonite." I must say, our youth are an educated bunch because for years kryptonite has been what made the planet Krypton from the movie and story of Superman (God Bless Christopher Reeve...LOL). But anyway, finding out that kryptonite is something else really blew me away but that's what it's all about folks...Understanding a different culture/language in order to penetrate the hearts of the next generation! I don't know about you but I'm a soul survivor how 'bout you?
Now that's straight up talk!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes this is straight up talk for real! Again, I really appreciate your blogs for the past couple weeks and even how you have highlighted the two young men whom you mentor. Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see what you write about have given me an awful lot to ponder on today with Soul Survivor. I'm not one who listens to Hip Hop music but I do see a need for us to relate to the next generation. We've needed someone to help bridge the gap between the civil rights generation and the hip hop generation for quite some time now. Thanks for stepping up to the plate.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes time and patience in order to understand this present generation. Just like times change, so do people and cultures. WE can't keep doing things the way we did them in the 60's and 70's. My youth minister got raked over the coals by the leadership in my church when he wanted his young people to perform to some music from a secular artist during morning worship. NOW BEFORE ANYONE RESPONDS...I SAID MUSIC...THE WORDS WERE CHANGED to glorify God! And oh my god you would have thought that he was going to have R.Kelly or Prince perform in person. It was pitiful and truly it was a defining moment that truly was lost because of "lack of understanding" on the part of the present leadership.
Now here's a question for you, who's responsibility is it to educate the "old" school? Is the burden upon the young people to help the old people understand them or is it the older generation that has to do a better job in listening and taking time out of their busy schedules in order to get a grasp of what's really going on?

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting at the minds of our young people? They are so creative...I mean back when I was young, when I heard the word, kryptonite, all I thought was Superman. :) Now, my grandchildren are going to hear that word and think of weed or alcohol...I'm not happy about it, but I truly dropped the ball as a parent because I'm completely out of touch with this generation. I need all the help I can get!

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again today's blog is great! Thanks for helping me understand a little better! Pastor Rich you're a true bridge builder! I know you probably get shot at by a lot of religious people who don't understand your passion but be encouraged and know that you have an audience who is listening to you. And not only listening but desiring to walk with you and change a generation.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still tryin to figure out what the heck "krytonite" means now. I'm still seeing the Daily Planet spinning in the background on top of a large building that looks like the Empire State Building. Pastor, do you care educate dah peoples...including me?

5:42 PM  
Blogger Pastor Rich said...

This is for further explanation because I truly understand how easy it is to be in the dark. :) Kryptonite is, depending on who you ask, weed or an alcoholic drink. Now, the song that is playing on the radio is referring to weed. (As the kids tell me, it's a real real fine green weed---whatever that means but be it as it may) It is what it is...another group of young people have told me that it is a mixed alcoholic drink that is, obviously, green! If this isn't the case, give it time and best believe that someone will come up with a drink called Kryptonite!!! Okay? Straight up and down!

10:02 PM  

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