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Real LYFE: The Game has Changed the Name

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Game has Changed the Name

Times and seasons are precious and for the past year I've been blogging to this particular site and I must say that I've truly enjoyed myself. It's been interesting taking the struggles that I go through on a daily basis and putting them into concrete words that I have to force myself to look at! It's been quite a journey over this past year. One thing that I can say, for sure, that has come from all of this is an ability to speak and stand behind what I say! It's important, being someone who has been called before the foundation of the world was laid to preach the good news, to be REAL!
With that said, this is a season in which God has called me to do more than just pontificate but be more proactive in my approach to reach this generation. In so doing, it's important that I be strategic in my assault against the "evil" one. He's up to NO good and it's time for his tactics to be exploited! One way to do this is through infiltration! This is something that the "glorious" church forgets about because we're focused on the wrong things in this day and age. We refuse, for some reason, to update our tactics to be able to counteract the attack of the enemy. It's sad but true! For the past few weeks, I've been trying to use this arena to help many of you out there who feel inclined to be a part of the liberation of our youth from the oppression that the church has helped to propagate! Now, again, before you go and think I'm attacking the church, being a product of the "church" if anyone can critique, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm well qualified and, as my boy TI would say, I'm "west-side certified" to do so! But, I'll save that for later!
However, this is a season to go forward not backward so this is exactly what I'm doing! From this day forward I'm taking the name "Pastor Rich" and I'm laying it aside. I didn't say that I'm not Pastor Rich because there is no way I can stop being who God has called me to be! I'm a pastor whether I want to be one or not, so this isn't the case. But the name has been changed to go after those who have a negative connotation of the word, PASTOR! I don't know what will come from this because this is something that I've been praying about for quite sometime now. I've discussed the concept of changing my screen name with a few people but the final decision was mine to make. It goes back to times and seasons.
The season has changed and it's time to take the "game" to the next level. From this day forth my name shall no longer be Pastor Rich. It was good for the season that I used it, but it's now time to delve a little deeper into what is taking place in the "not so distant" future. I shall now go by the name of "B.Real!!!!"
Technically, this is what I'm doing day-in and day-out anyway, so WHY NOT? Again, there are those who will continue to refer to me as Pastor Rich and that's quite okay but as I go forward with the spoken word in the community and throughout the nation, it's important that I stay tuned into what the "fish" are biting at! God, the Almighty, has called me to be a "fisher of men" and that requires me to use some bait that is attractive to fish. Well, in this season it's all in the name. I've been keepin' it real for so long, hey, I figure the name B.Real fits just great! I'm still a priest because God called all of US to labor in the priesthood as His representatives to the nations, so now that that's that...this is how the game will be played from hereonin!
Now that's straight up talk from the heart of a PRIEST!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I LOVE IT! This is truly a strategy to be reckoned with Pastor. The name B.Real is off the hook! This is the beginning for you sir! Great job!

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a New Yorker, I know firsthand what it means to be an effective "player" in the game. Knowing that there are brothers/men of God out there that recognize and offensively 'evolve' in order to remain so, brings me a sigh of relief! Dont stop B REAL...

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really feel you are on the right road. more people need to view this site because it is for the old and the young.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one wants things to change because that will cause them to have to do more work. They will have to live like who they say they are. Now the world, they are just doing what the world "do." But the church don't want to work.

I will keep you lifted because you are doing an awesome work with this site.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been an eyewitness to your metamorphosis to this moment and I understand your passion and plight! Now that you've discovered that the church has nothing to do with the "church" the sky's the limits! I applaud you and your efforts day in and day out as it pertains to not just the youth at your church, you've far surpassed that and have come to understand that you're a beacon to ALL! Not just to the young but to the old as well because I'm not a young person but I've learned an awful lot by reading your blogsite. Thanks bruh!

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the changed name!!!!! you were REAL with yourself now you can B.REAL with the world!!!! keep it up

10:44 AM  

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