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Real LYFE: The Definition of a Fool

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Definition of a Fool

"Fool in Love...," I hear that was the song back in the day!!! :) Just reflecting and remembering how my aunt and many others tend to tune out the world when "their" music, from back in the day, comes on the radio. If you don't know what I'm talking about just throw on an old Marvin Gaye original (if you're not too spiritual)...somethin' like "Let's Get It On!" or better yet, "Sexual Healing." Can you say that church is ova??? My grandmother is referred to as a "Mother" in the church "of the most Hight" but if that song comes on she'll lose her religion...(sorry Granny but I gotta keep it real!)
I'm sayin' this today because we tend to forget yesterday and repeat the same dang mistakes over and over again! The definition of a fool is ONE WHO DOES THE SAME THING AND EXPECTS DIFFERENT RESULTS! I know this is tough for many of us, especially when it comes to the next generation but they're watching our every move and they're keeping a list and "checking it twice" to find out who's a fool or not!
Don't be a fool! If it ain't working quit trying to do the same damn thing...cuz, in the words of my young people, YOU IS A FOOL! Move on and try a different may get the result you've been wanting...but it won't come until you move aside and let it be what it be! So don't allow yourself to get caught up in the rapture of love or anything else. See it for what it is and change course before it's too late!
Now that's straight up talk!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me just say this one thing Pastor Rich, I don't know what has happened to you personally but for the past couple weeks you have been so on point! I can't even put into words what I'm really trying to say. All I can say is DON'T STOP GET IT GET IT! I'm with you all the way!

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just posted the last one...also, thanks for helping to clarify what Kryptonite is cuz I sure needed some help with that one! I know what I was trying to say before. You've become so relevant in the past couple weeks, I don't know what you've done in order to get this close to the reality of what's going on out in the streets but know that I'm praying for you because I know you have to be coming under attack from the "old school peeps" cuz they ain't got a clue!

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A yo!!! I'll let everyone else call you Pastor Rich but Popps you know that this is what the Game been missing!! all i can say is we "building the house" and "advancing the Kingdom" in a new tone of blood, sweat, and tears. and God won't let us quit til we CLOSE THE DEAL!!!!!!

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! A fool is someone who does the same thing and expects different results!!! Thanks, I needed to read this this morning! It's time to change course!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang...this is rather abrupt!!! lol don't get me wrong i love it...we need more people to keep it real like you!

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so true! I think the ones who struggle with this are the older folks. For some reason, we are so afraid to try new things and reach out and bring our children along side of us and learn from them. We want it all to be our way or NO way! It's sad because this is how we end up pushing our young people away!

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is... "Are you serious??" You hit the nail on the head again. Some FOOLS just never learn and keep doing the same thang over... Keep keepin' it real!!

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT BLOG Pastor Rich! Straight and too the point! Anyone who can't understand this is a fool! Enough said...

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich, sounds like another winner. Excellent blog! I am definitely guilty of trying the same stale method over and over and over; expecting a different result. This is also the definition of insanity. Time to wake up and begin anew!

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, honest, and straightforward.
I'm dealing with the same crap at my church. The leaders don't want to move forward and create avenues whereby the youth can feel apart but they (the old guard) want to continue to sing "How Great Thou Art" What is that crap?

8:11 AM  

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