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Real LYFE: If It's 2 Be, It's Up 2 Me

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

If It's 2 Be, It's Up 2 Me

HATERS BEWARE! Today is a fresh new day given by God for you to make a difference! Do just that and use the haters as your platform! Step all over their face as you dare to defy the odds that are set up against you! Can you believe that many people died in pursuit of that which is within your reach? History is made up of defining moments and this, right here, is a defining moment for you and your entire bloodline! As it was said previously...MAKE IT HAPPEN! Only you can determine your destiny!
I used to get frustrated by what I thought was a blatant attempt, by others, to keep me down. But when I got a different view and realized that I had to see my situation in a different light before it would actually change, my entire outlook transformed! And believe it or not, it all started in my mind! I had to begin speaking things into existence before they actually happened. I had to force myself to see the obstacle removed before it would actually be gone and then, and only then did my situation change. It was my DETERMINATION to make a difference in the lives of my sons and daughters that caused me to take this step of faith. And what a step it was!
As the saying goes, "If it's 2 be, it's up 2 me!" How true it is because I no longer am waiting on the naysayers or the old guard to move over...I'm busting through the doors myself and making it happen cuz if it's 2 be, it's up 2 me! Go ahead and do something that you haven't done before. Don't be a fool and continue to do the same thing and expect a different result! The world is hungry and waiting for you to show up so the question is, what are you going to do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, it's like you're following me or something Pastor Rich because honestly I'm at a crossroads in my life and I need an extra PUSH to get me to do what I'm afraid of doing. I guess I'm afraid to fail. I never looked at it like that until you sent this blog today. I have to overcome my fear of failing and realize that it's worth the risk because it's not IF I succeed because it's not an option. I have to succeed because of my children. Thanks and I truly believe that if it's to be it's up to me! (I think Jesse Jackson said that!)

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good word for today! We all have to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions and stop waiting for "whoever" to give us a seat at the "table" of brotherhood! It's important for us to live by this creed otherwise we'll continue to sink deeper into the abyss of our own ignorance and forfeit the inheritance that was paid for by our forefathers!

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


THanks for the encouragement. I hadn't read your blog in some time,but the last few messages have been on point and much appreciated bruh. I must let you know that the storms have been here and I've remained steadfast and I am leaning heavily on the Lord. Every time that I lean, he gives me more clarity, faith and strength. I appreciate your encouragement. Even though we are not at Morehouse anymore, your words take me back to the very words of encouragement that were spoken during orientation, crown forum and graduation. Much respect! Thanks for the uplift, bruh.



1:30 PM  

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