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Real LYFE: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Monday, May 01, 2006

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

You can either trip over every little thing someone brings to you or learn, as I'm having to, to let it roll off as if it's nothing! Doing the latter will cause you to be looked at by others as arrogant, cocky, or stuck up, but at the end of the day, you still will have your sanity! Sometimes it's hard to let things go because you just want to settle it with that certain someone right then on the spot, but does it really matter? Will anyone's life be better because you put that person in "check," as the young folks say?
I don't think so, when you give in to others you allow them to rule in places that they have no jurisdiction. Don't give in to the pressure. I know it's rough but you have to learn to transcend past the minute issues and glean towards the big picture. No matter what you say or what you do, you will never ever be able to please everyone so quit trying! As I always say, LYFE, is what you make it not what others want it to be. Perception is reality so in your perception, force yourself to look out beyond today into the future and see your situation in a different light. You'll always have trifling people around you who will try to put a damper on things, so get used to it. As a matter of fact, use them as the dirt that the seed needs in order to move and transition to its final state of glory!
The conclusion of the whole matter is that you'll always have haters but the question is will the haters have you?
Now that's straight up talk...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are all up in my head with this one! Last week I made the declaration of peace in my life. All the foolishness has got to cease. I shall no longer succumb to sweating the small stuff. Check John 14:27. has it in several versions.

5:11 PM  

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