There comes a point in lyfe that a decision must be made. Do you continue to make the mistakes or do you try and get this thing right? Well, the time has come and you have to make a decision. After taking a real good look within, I realized that I was doing things that were not in my character. I was making horrible decisions that were the cause of others going astray. I was truly on a road that was leading straight to sure destruction. I also realized that I was inadvertently hurting the people around me.
I had to let some things go and realize the greater purpose for which I was placed on this earth. I am now, this day, living for the future generations and not for the temporary thrills of today. I have to make sure that my living is not in vain because it’s important to me that I make a difference in someone’s life. In other words, it has to matter that I was born. If I were to continue down the road that I was on, I'd only be walking for me but changing direction will cause me to be the leader that God ordained me to be, not for just myself but for the many other lives that are connected to mine.
So, the bottom line is you have to choose. You can either be living for the future or you can be living for the NOW. This is where the true fight is so CHOOSE! I did and that has made all the difference.
Tha Truth
Yes young brother I am happy and truly proud of that decisions on choosing the right path because we need more soldiers on the battle field that is ready to change the world for the goodness of GOD. keep the strength and know that its REALLY going to be a fight for the soul!!!! Love ya.. Da Warrior
This was a real nice blog! Very well thought out and trasparent. It's amazing that I could really feel the sincerity and depth in the writing. It made me take a real serious look within my own soul to make sure I was in right alignment myself.
Thanks for allowing others an opportunity to see themselves in the blogs that are posted on this site! It's very refreshing!
This is truly a mature statement. It takes a great deal to realize that you are not here for just you but you are connected to others! I applaud you and your endeavors my brother and please know that you have helped many people this day with your level of transparency.
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