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Real LYFE: Who Do You Attract?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Who Do You Attract?

A Lion leading a pack of sheep can do MORE than a sheep leading a pack of lions. Why? Because everything rises and falls on leadership! Now, what type of leader are you? Or a better question may be, who do you have following you?
Today's generation is looking for a leader with lion characteristics because these are the men and women who have the ability to do what few people can, RELATE! To be a successful leader in today's world as it pertains to Generation "X" one must have great communication skills! Communication is key because young people aren't able to discern motives and agendas from facial features like a lot of adults can. In addition to communication, one has to have a heart for young people. You may not understand why they do what they do but you have to be able to listen without asking too many questions. The reason being is, questions, when posed all at one time will tend to make young people defensive and this is what you don't want to happen if you're trying to understand where the generation is coming from. So, practice listening more than talking! I know what I'm talking about because I had to do the same exact thing.
By nature and training, I learn simply by asking questions, but I had to come to a level of understanding with this rising generation. Questioning their every action will tend to push them away more so then bring them closer. So, I had to sit, watch, and pray for understanding. I remember times when I'd just sit in their company and watch them for hours because I wanted to understand their world and culture. And I must admit, I learned more than I could have ever learned by reading a book from a PhD! Why am I saying this? Because we have a generation who wants to be understood but they don't feel that leadership spends enough time listening. And, in a way, they do have a point. I know this because I was guilty of the same thing. Many leaders think that I have "sold out" to the darkside because I keep young people in my presence all the time. I listen to their music and do know the words now! :)
But, before you cast stones at me, I'm able to reach them now because they know that I love them and won't stand in "judgment" and this is what they are afraid of. I didn't know this until I began to see the walls come down from some of the most "thugged" out sons that I have. The more I spent time listening, the more I could see the REAL them coming out. The more I observed, the more that I could tell that what they showed the rest of the world was a facade. BUT IT TOOK ME coming down from my "high horse" as a preacher of the most high God in order to do what Christ did which is LOVE!
So I'll ask you again, what type of leader are you? A "lion" can do more leading a pack of sheep than a "sheep" who is leading a pack of lions! A lion type leader has an ability to awaken the warrior spirit that may be dormant where as a sheep will kill ANY warrior spirit that is active, charged and ready for marching orders. The sheep type leader will cause the lions to either die or go astray! Do you attract young people or do they generally wander away?
Now that's straight up talk...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good analogy! I've got to use this for a class that I'm teaching.

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You truly have helped me be a better person and for that, I thank you. Don't ever stop doing what you're doing! The world needs this more than we know. It's refreshing that a priest can be so transparent and yet, still be a priest. If we ever get an understanding that we are all priests in the Kingdom, we'd do a much better job representing!!! Keep it up! I'm listening, even if no one else is!

9:21 AM  

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