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Real LYFE: You Gotta Know When

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You Gotta Know When

You have to know when to "hold" em and know when to "fold" em! As you go through your day today, ONLY FIGHT FOR WHAT'S WORTH FIGHTING FOR! Don't get caught up in the drama that your job, church, home, business, etc. Brings your way and BELIEVE ME they will! This can be hard if you're like me. I'm one of those people who have to have the last word...And I WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD on just about everything. :) So, when it comes to learning how to ignore ignorance, it just seems so hard. I have to admit that today so that you can understand that I'm not just saying something just to say something. There are many things in life that I'd like to change. There are many people that I'd like to avoid dealing with and there are a few that I'd like to "off!" If I can be so blunt!
But what I've come to understand is this, some people are anointed to "get on your nerves!" I'm talking to myself just as I am talking to you today. This is something that is hard to accept especially when you have a very low tolerance for ignorance but what else are you supposed to do? Think about it this way, what are you going to accomplish by telling the person off? The only thing you accomplish is a temporary feeling of triumph followed by the realization that nothing has changed! You can't go around just going off all the time because in the end it doesn't do any good and it renders you ineffective because all you become known as is someone who "blows" hot steam but no substance. You have to pick your battles and sometimes, leave well enough alone.
Focus on YOU and work from the inside out, that's how you become the change agent in your home, church, workplace, community, etc. You can't change anything from the outside in but rather from the inside out! In order to change others, you have to first of all BE THE CHANGE and allow your new attitude to spread rather than vice versa. My aunt and I were just talking the other day about the plethora of ignorance that we have to contend with on a daily basis from various different leaders. And the thing she told me was, "You have to know when to hold 'em and know when to 'fold em." Some things aren't going to change unless you change first! As you go through the rest of your day, week, month and even the year, know that real change starts from within. You can do more by working on you than you can by constantly being critical of others.
You're too blessed to be allowing yourself to get stressed over nonsense and foolishness. You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Work on yourself and let the rest take care of itself!
Now that's straight up talk...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great way to start the week! Know when to hold em and know when to fold em! Great word!

1:15 PM  

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