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Real LYFE: Stay On Your "Grind" No Matter What

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Stay On Your "Grind" No Matter What

No matter what things look like, stay in the press and grind it out! People have no clue as to what you really went through to get to where you are today so don't give them the satisfaction of trying to explain yourself! You don't owe ANYONE anything and don't let people put you in a trick bag to make you think you do! The old guard is good for playing the manipulation card! It was used a lot "back in the day" to keep people enslaved but now that we are more educated and more knowledgeable about what all is out here, we've grown further than the idiosyncrasies of the past! The past is just that...In the past!
Understand one thing, tomorrow belongs to those who prepare TODAY...NOW! Realize that doors will be shut in your face but that doesn't mean that it's not your season, it's just that your blessing is going to come from a different house, that's all. Don't allow bitterness, envy, jealousy, and intimidation to get the best of you as many from the old guard will disappoint you and count you out. If you stay focused you'll realize that those who said NO served as the catalyst for your unveiling!
I am not just saying this because I have nothing better to say. This is a time when you have to push through the pain and hurt and remember why you were sent to this earth. You're here for more than just to have a job and get married. You're here for more than just living from paycheck to paycheck. In the bigger scheme of things you're supposed to have great influence. How will you develop influence if your name is not known? Remember, the old guard isn't going to do it for you, you're going to have to do it yourself. As Jesus told Peter in the gospels, "Cast down your nets!" If you never put "IT" out there, you'll never be able to see the manifest blessings of God! Take note, in the scriptures, when Peter through his nets down his catch was so great that the other boats had to help him with his catch!
Stay on your grind and put your expectations to the test. As a matter of fact, let your expectations work for you rather than you working for them. With intimidation and contempt...But they'll see after awhile, just make sure you don't let it bread anger and hostility in your heart. I guarantee, you'll see the atmosphere around you begin to change. So, dare to believe God and step out on faith--take action!!! Let the rest handle itself...As my young folks say, STAY ON YOUR GRIND no matter what!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to be following me because this is EXACTLY where I am and I needed to hear this today!

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly! Life is full of moments that God has given us to help others and often we feel because no one has affirmed us, that we have to wait! Trix are for this day and age you have to make your own because the old school most definitely ain't making it for you. Haste makes waste! Go ahead and do what you do.

2:27 PM  

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