Take a Chance at LYFE
As you go into the rest of this week, I challenge you today to Live L.Y.F.E! What do you have to lose? Life is to be lived and we spend most of our time contemplating our every move according to our wallet. We spend so much time in our day looking at how messed up things are or the mistakes that we made yesterday! I have an announcement: YESTERDAY IS GONE! All you have is today and if you spend too much time today looking at yesterday, your today will become yesterday as well. So, enough already, get up and LIVE!
I say this because for far too long I've been guilty of staying on the sidelines of LYFE to where I was a programmatic human being. By programmatic I mean that I did everything according to what was written in my daily schedule. If it wasn't written, I wasn't doing it. In other words, I wasn't willing to take risks and live LYFE the way I now believe we were all created to live. I've come to an understanding after the past few months of living that I no longer want to live on the sidelines while the world is passing me by. I believe that the Lord pre-ordained me for greatness! I believe that I'm the head and not the tail! Not only do I believe it, it's a fact! Why is it a fact? Because I said so! No longer will I sit and sing my shoulda coulda woulda's! Life is to be lived and lived to the fullest degree! Believe it and receive it TODAY!!!! I'm on my way to speak at a youth conference where I'm destined to meet up with some people who are headed in the same direction that I am headed in...I would never discover this if I was worried about "this" and "that!" Take a chance at LYFE and discover what God has already ordained for you to walk in! Why not? You only live this life once? Take the risk and see... Now that's real talk...
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