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Real LYFE: Will You Take The Challenge?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Will You Take The Challenge?

Today is a day that will come only once. So the question is, "what are you going to do with it?" There is so much opportunity in the world that goes untapped because we spend so much time being negative and looking at everything from the wrong perspective. There are so many people who live and die with no regard for the untapped potential that goes to waste all because of HURTS that were never confronted.

Life is too short to be focused on something that you cannot change. You can't un-due the past so why do we spend our every day and every minute paralyzed because of what happened yesterday? It's almost as if we live our entire life full of fear, and the question becomes, "fear of what?" What is it that keeps us from tapping into the very potential that has the ability and capacity to take us to places that we have only dreamed about? What keeps us locked into yesterday when today is present and available to transport us to our tomorrow? What is it that allows us to fall into the deception of believing that our better days are behind us and we deserve the mistreatment we receive? What is it?

I ask the question because those who do reach up to their destiny and grab for the unknown are looked at with envy as if they've done something so wrong. Those who dare to think beyond yesterday and gravitate to the endless possibilities of tomorrow are criticized for not remaining average. Those who consider themselves a breed apart from the rest are the ones who are always being talked about but I can’t help but notice that the ones who talk against are always the ones sitting on the sidelines of game of LIFE instead of being an active participant.

So, the query becomes, do you dare to be different and risk being ostracized and criticized by those who are gripped with fear? Or do you sit and watch someone else inherit the potential that was ALL YOURS? You decide who you want to be, but as for me, I’m going to take every moment given to me to DARE to be different! I can’t let today go by and wonder what I would have become because I understand that life is what you make it to be not necessarily the way it is presented. So, with that said, what are you going to do with today? Because for some, this may be all you have…

Now that’s real talk…


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