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Real LYFE: Defining Moments of Life

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Defining Moments of Life

Think about all that has taken place over the course of your life and if you're like me, you'll see that things haven't been as bad as they seemed. It could have been worse, right? If you take a moment you'll see that there is truth to the statement because the fact remains that you're still breathing, aren't you? We tend to more often than not spend most of our days complaining about what isn't rather than appreciating what IS! How do you spend the days of your life? Do you spend the day holding on to yesterday? Do you waste valuable time looking at what happened to you last year or even ten years ago? Or do you use the past to help you strategically position yourself for the future?

In the movie, Forest Gump, there was a statement made that goes like this, "Life is like a box of chocolates..." I use this statement because in actuality, this is what life is about, taking risks! You don't know what you're going to get under the chocolate until you take that BITE! Things in your life could be worse, point well taken, however what are you going to do to take the worse and make it good? Remember these words, IF IT'S GOING TO BE, IT'S UP TO ME!

You can spend your days wallowing about what isn't or you can take whatever "hand" your dealt and play the hell out of it! Life is made of defining moments where we are faced with life and death situations where we have to make a decision that will make or break us! Be thankful for the trials and tribulations because this is what serves as the catalyst to make us stronger than ever!

Now that's real talk!


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