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Real LYFE: When the Levees Broke

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When the Levees Broke

This is a must see---I couldn't help but sit in front of my television for the entire time this documentary was last night! For those of you who didn't watch it, this is a MUST! Words can't even describe the up-close and personal accounts of what actually happened during the days that government stood idle and apparently did nothing!

The scripture tells us to not put our confidence in men. Well, let's just say that those words ring ever so true while viewing the degradation that took place in the city of New Orleans last year during Hurricane Katrina when the levees broke. This isn't a slant towards the democrats or republicans because in the final analysis when disaster takes place we are people. We are all members of the human race and we have a responsibility to remember what actually took place!

I applaud Spike Lee for the vivid real life footage that was attained that might have gone unsaid had he not dared to defy belief! I say defy belief because there are many things that I saw last night that I probably would have second guessed had I not seen it with my own eyes. However, I thank him because he gave the "average Joe" a voice and he went where very few cameras dared to go, into the heart of the storm.

I always say from time to time to be grateful for things as they are because it could be worse. Anyone who actually takes time to view this documentary can't help but say "thank you Lord" because we are a blessed people! We are blessed to be alive and be in good health and strength. So the next time you want to complain about your home situation, stop and be grateful that you at least have a home. The next time you want to complain about your family, stop and be thankful because for the most part, you probably know where all of your family members are located!

This documentary is scheduled to conclude tonight at 9pm on HBO. You don't want to miss this, if you can stomach reality! This is real life coming at you so be ready!

Now this is real talk!


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