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Real LYFE: 9-1-1

Monday, September 11, 2006


We are still on high alert, even after five years but there is a question that I've been asking myself so I'll ask you, the reader, as well. Just how safe are we today after all the money that has been spent on national security and the millions that have been sent overseas to fund the war, how secure are we as a nation?

It kind of puts things into perspective to see that on the home front, just a year ago, there were states that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina and we, as a government, couldn't even handle that crisis so what makes us think that after five years, we'd have everything together?

I've learned one thing throughout these past ordeals and that is to NOT PUT MY CONFIDENCE IN MAN! On the road to destiny, we cannot allow others to get us off focus. Many people still haven't gotten their lives back in "sync" since 911 and Hurricane Katrina didn't do anything but further heighten the frustration with ourselves.

Stay focused on YOU being the best YOU that YOU can be regardless of the situations that take place in your life. Five years later you should be stronger than ever! Ready to handle whatever may come, determined to persevere no matter what, and dedicated to not only make it to your destination, but bring someone else along for the ride. That's where the generational transfer takes place!

Now on this 911, that's real talk!


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