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Real LYFE: The Encounter (Part II)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Encounter (Part II)

Okay, here's another one for you! For those of you who have emailed me and told me that you feel as if I left you hanging because I stopped blogging the other day. Well, let me see if this is a better way to explain what happened within me!

If you haven't seen the first Matrix movie, I would STRONGLY suggest or urge you to get it from Blockbuster so that you can see it for yourself. But in the movie, Neo, the main character, was on a search to discover the answer and little did he know that the answered lied within himself. Neo was told by someone that he had the answer but he didn't believe it! He went throughout the entire movie going from one person to another asking people who had the answer and when he finally got knocked down from the enemy, he stood up within himself and woke up! He finally realized that He had the answer!

What was chasing Neo throughout the entire movie now became the chased! IN other words, the hunter became the hunted because Neo had been running the entire movie until he realized that he had the answer. When Neo woke up to who he was he in turn, began chasing the problem that had him on the run! He turned and told the problem to "bring it on" and he went on to conquer what had been conquering him with a sweat-less victory!

That's what happened to me at this ENCOUNTER in the mountains of North Carolina. Okay? Is this a better way of explaining so you all can understand the metamorphosis that I just came through?

Let me know...I can keep talking because you all know, I can't be shut up! I give it to you, RAW and unfiltered!

Now that's real talk!


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