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Real LYFE: Gone But Never Forgotten

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gone But Never Forgotten


I want to take this time to thank you for all of the love that you showed me while I was growing up in your home. How I wish I could have you hear with me, if but for just one day. Your words of encouragement that still, to this day, ring in my ears mean so much to me. At times I thought you were crazy for how stern you were with my sister and me but now, although you've been gone now for over seven years, I can see your heart and what you were doing.

I wish I could see the man that I have become since you've been gone. The years have been filled with much pain but with the pain, I've grown into a much stronger and wiser man through your death. Your voice, your touch, your strength, your affirmation and validation are sorely missed but NEVER forgotten.

Love always your one and only son.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading your blog today, I was thinking of my own Father, and how he always had a smile and a kind word for me, at the time, I never understood, his desires for my life, but now I really wish, like you, if only for a minute...I am a Daddy's girl...and very much miss his presence in my life. The struggles I face....."if only daddy was here", the lonliness"if only daddy was here" something as simple as a quick hello-how are you? "if only daddy was here". I hold a place in my heart with his name, only he can fill the void, approaching the five year mark (10-11-06), I celebrate his life, with the memories in my heart. Tears streaming down my face, I can't turn back the time. "if daddy was here" he'd make it all fine!

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich,

I'm glad I can relate to you! You are a great Pastor! I can be real with you, no holds barred, and you never seem to judge! Thank you for being who you are and 4 keeping it real!

2:02 PM  

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