Real Talk to the FATHER
Good morning Lord,
There is so much that I would like to say, but first thank you for yet another beautiful day in life, with health and wholeness and mind, body and spirit. Thank you for your word which is life, and empowering me and us with your spirit. Thank you Father for restoration!
This week, today and heretofore, I will continue to submit my mind to God, that my thoughts be inter-dependent of His, that this mind will be in me which is also in Christ Jesus, that all vein imaginations be cast down, that I be of one mind and one spirit, that my thinking be orchestrated, dictated, and governed by His word, causing me to pursue what He established, that I will Will the will of the Father, that my thinking will be on things that a re true, things that are honest, things that are just, things that are pure, things that are lovely, things that are of good report; things that be of virtue, and of any praise. I declare war on the war in my mind, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. Lord restore my mind to the original blueprint of it that you created, that I will manifest who I truly am, and was created to be, that Christ Jesus may glorify Himself through me, for it is He that worketh in me both to will and to do His good pleasure.
DIVORCE me from any and all spirits that have joined themselves to me by the flesh, and those that I have married myself to by the flesh so that I may be of one thought, one mind, one spirit, not a double thinker, with many minds, contrary to the word, mind and voice of God. God I renounce every and all spirits that are not of you that works in me from the root. Uproot all of those unfamiliar spirits that have layered themselves over and have muffled and stifled your spirit and your voice within me. I GIVE THEM UP AND GIVE YOU, HOLY SPIRIT, PERMISSION TO DIVIDE ASUNDER, making me one person, centered by the word of God.
I am not afraid anymore. I have decided to stand up within you, having on the whole armor of God, crowned by the helmet of salvation, covered by the breastplate of righteousness, girded about my waste girded with Truth, my feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace so that wherever I go, I am able to speak the word both in season and out of season, because the sword of the Spirit is in my hand. God I choose to now be an offended for your Kingdom. I seek to find where you are. My focus, is on YOU.
There is so much that I would like to say, but first thank you for yet another beautiful day in life, with health and wholeness and mind, body and spirit. Thank you for your word which is life, and empowering me and us with your spirit. Thank you Father for restoration!
This week, today and heretofore, I will continue to submit my mind to God, that my thoughts be inter-dependent of His, that this mind will be in me which is also in Christ Jesus, that all vein imaginations be cast down, that I be of one mind and one spirit, that my thinking be orchestrated, dictated, and governed by His word, causing me to pursue what He established, that I will Will the will of the Father, that my thinking will be on things that a re true, things that are honest, things that are just, things that are pure, things that are lovely, things that are of good report; things that be of virtue, and of any praise. I declare war on the war in my mind, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. Lord restore my mind to the original blueprint of it that you created, that I will manifest who I truly am, and was created to be, that Christ Jesus may glorify Himself through me, for it is He that worketh in me both to will and to do His good pleasure.
DIVORCE me from any and all spirits that have joined themselves to me by the flesh, and those that I have married myself to by the flesh so that I may be of one thought, one mind, one spirit, not a double thinker, with many minds, contrary to the word, mind and voice of God. God I renounce every and all spirits that are not of you that works in me from the root. Uproot all of those unfamiliar spirits that have layered themselves over and have muffled and stifled your spirit and your voice within me. I GIVE THEM UP AND GIVE YOU, HOLY SPIRIT, PERMISSION TO DIVIDE ASUNDER, making me one person, centered by the word of God.
I am not afraid anymore. I have decided to stand up within you, having on the whole armor of God, crowned by the helmet of salvation, covered by the breastplate of righteousness, girded about my waste girded with Truth, my feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace so that wherever I go, I am able to speak the word both in season and out of season, because the sword of the Spirit is in my hand. God I choose to now be an offended for your Kingdom. I seek to find where you are. My focus, is on YOU.
This is revelant to where I want to be in God, it's so necessary to hear this level of intimacy, to let me know, he's in the neighborhood! I LOVE HIM!!!
Thank you for this more than you will ever know. I long for my relationship with God to continue to grow more and more intimate, yet I often find myself treating our relationship like I have done other relationships in my life. Yet I keep getting back to my relationship with HIM. He keeps making me to see all that I want in an intimate relationship is exactly what He wants from me. I have said that when I become whole (the "as one" that you talk about) Then that special person will appear in my life because it will be my spirit that he falls in love with(which will be one with all that I am).
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