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Real LYFE: God's Got This!

Monday, October 02, 2006

God's Got This!

Sometimes in life you tend to get frustrated by what you see! I know I do but time and time again I'm reminded that it's not about what you see with the natural eye because we live in a natural world but we forget that there is a spiritual world as well. It seems like many of the ones that I'm real close to have just been falling by the wayside and there's nothing that I can do about it.

I received a call today about a friend of mine who's marriage is on the brink of divorce. Another is facing possible eviction from his home. Then I get a call about one of my kids possibly being pregnant (this is the fourth or fifth this year) so you know I'm like going crazy in my own mind. And then, to top matters off one of my kids just flat out lost his mind!

So, today I begin yet another consecration, or for those who may not understand what this is, the month of October is going to be a time where I set myself apart from many of the things that I customarily do on a regular basis. I'm going to be sacrificing my time for the Lord this month because with all that is going on, and I didn't even mention what I might be going through, but just in the superficial, I need to take some time alone with the Lord because in His word, in the book of Romans, the scripture that comes to mind in the eighth chapter is, "for I reckon that the suffering of this present time isn't worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed..."

I still believe the word of God regardless of the way things look and I've got to stay fixated on that which God has already spoken! God's got everything under control and allows these things to take place to make me stronger. God said it in His word, I believe it so that settles all of the drama right here and there!

God's got this under control! I have to keep my eye on the big picture and not on what I see in the here and now! I have to believe that what's coming is greater than what has been and what is right now!

This is real talk!


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